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Scarphe or Scarpheia (Skarphe, Horn.; Skarpheia, Strab., Paus., Steph.
B.: Eth. Skarpheus, Skarphaieus), a town of the Locri Epicnemidii, mentioned by
Homer. (Il. ii. 532.) According to Strabo it was 10 stadia from the sea, 30 stadia
from Thronium, and a little less from some other place of which the name is lost,
probably Nicaea. (Strab. ix. p. 426.) It appears from Pausanias that it lay on
the direct road from Elateia to Thermopylae by Thronium (viii. 15. § 3), and likewise
from Livy, who states that Quintius Flamininus marched from Elateia by Thronium
and Scarpheia to Heracleia (xxxiii. 3). Hence the town may be placed between the
modern villages of ‘Andera and Molo. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. ii. p. 178.)
Scarpheia is said by Strabo to have been destroyed by an inundation of the sea
caused by an earthquake (i. p. 60), but it must have been afterwards rebuilt,
as it is mentioned by subsequent writers down to a late period. (Plin. iv. 7.
s. 12; Ptol. iii. 15. § 11; Hierocl. p. 643; Geog. Rav. iv. 10; Const. Porphyr.
de Them. ii. 5. p. 51, Bonn.) Scarpheia is also mentioned by Lycophr. 1147; Appian,
Syr. 19; Paus. ii. 29. § 3, x. 1. § 2.
This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
Scarphea (Skarpheia) or Scarphia (Skarphia). A town of the Epicnemidii Locri, at which the roads leading through Thermopylae united.
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