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Mythology (85)

Ancient myths

Leander and Hero

AVYDOS (Ancient city) MARMARA
(Leandros or Leiandros). A youth of Abydos, who was in love with Hero , the priestess of Aphrodite in Sestus, and swam every night across the Hellespont to visit her, and returned before daybreak. Once during a stormy night he perished in the waves. Next morning his corpse was washed on the coast of Sestus, whereupon Hero threw herself into the sea. This story was the subject of the poem of Musaeus, entitled De Amore Herois et Leandri, and is also mentioned by Ovid and Vergil . In modern times the story has been used by Marlowe, Schiller, Leigh Hunt, and Grillparzer.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Leander (Leiandros), the famous youth of Abydos, who, from love of Hero, the priestess of Aphrodite, in Sestus, swam every night across the Hellespont, being guided by the light of the lighthouse of Sestus. Once during a very stormy night the light was extinguished, and he perished in the waves. On the next morning his corpse was washed on the coast of Sestus, and Hero, on seeing it, threw herself into the sea. This story is the subject of the epic poem of Musaeus, entitled De A more Herois et Leandri, and is also mentioned by Ovid (Her. xviii. 19), Statius (Theb. vi. 535), and Virgil (Georg. iii. 258, &c.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2006 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


KIOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Hylas, a son of Theiodamas, king of the Dryopes, by the nymph Menodice (Apollon. Rhod. i. 1213; Hygin. Fab. 14, 271; Propert. i. 20, 6); or, according to others, a son of Heracles, Euphemus, or Ceyx (Schol. ad Theocrit. xiii. 7; Anton. Lib. 26). He was the favourite of Heracles, who, after having killed his father, Theiodamas, took him with him when he joined the expedition of the Argonauts (Apollon. Rhod. i. 131; Orph. Argon. 221). When the Argonauts landed on the coast of Mysia, Hylas went out to fetch water for Heracles; but when lie came to a well, his beauty excited the love of the Naiads, who drew him down into the water, and he was never seen again (Comp. Val. Flacc. iii. 545; Orph. Argon. 637; Theocrit. xiii. 45). Heracles himself endeavoured to trace him, and called out his name, but in vain; and the voice of Hylas was heard from the bottom of the well only like a faint echo, whence some say that he was actually metamorphosed into an echo. While Heracles was engaged in seeking his favourite, the Argonauts sailed away, leaving Heracles and his companion, Polyphemus, behind. He threatened to ravage the country of the Mysians unless they would find out where Hylas was, either dead or alive (Apollon. Rhod, i. 1344). Hence, says the poet, the inhabitants of Cios (Prusa) still continue to seek for Hylas: namely, the inhabitants of Prusa celebrated an annual festival to the divine youth Hylas, and on that occasion the people of the neighbourhood roamed over the mountains calling out the name of Hylas. It was undoubtedly this riotous ceremony that gave rise to the story about Hylas (Theocrit. xiii. 72; Strab. p. 564).

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited April 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

The Trojan War

TROY (Ancient city) TURKEY
Images of the Trojan War Myth, Edited by Robin Mitchell-Boyask, Associate Professor of Classics, Temple University

The Trojan horse

Tithonus and Eos

Tithonus, (Tithonos). The son of Laomedon and Strymo, and brother of Priam. By the prayers of Eos, who loved him, he obtained from the gods immortality, but not eternal youth, in consequence of which he completely shrank together in his old age; whence a decrepit old man was proverbially called Tithonus. Eos changed him into a cicada, or katydid. The story suggested Lord Tennyson's fine poem Tithonus.

Tithonus and Eos : Various WebPages

Hercules & Hesione

Hesione was the daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. Hercules met Hesione after his year of enslavement to Omphale, when he set out for Troy. Hercules found Troy in a state of crisis, as King Laomedon had cheated Poseidon and Apollo by failing to pay them for building the walls. For punishment Poseidon had sent a large sea monster, who would only be appeased by devouring the princess, Hesione. Hercules sought to kill the monster and naturally expected a reward, such as Laomedon's amazing horses. Hercules bravely killed the beast by allowing himself to be swallowed by the monster, whom he then killed from the inside. But once a cheat always a cheat: Laomedon skimped on paying Hercules too.
So Hercules raised an army, including such great men as Telamon, father of Ajax. When his army captured the city, Hercules gave Hesione in marriage to Telamon (they soon gave birth to another hero, Teucer). Hesione was given the opportunity to save any one of her fellow Trojan prisoners: she chose her brother Podarces, later known as Priam.

This text is cited July 2004 from Perseus Project URL bellow, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Hesione. The daughter of Laomedon, king of Troy, and of Leucippe. By her death she was to appease the wrath of Poseidon, who, on account of her father's breaking his word, was devastating the land with a marine monster. Heracles destroyed the monster and set the maiden free; but Laomedon wished to break his promise to the hero, and to deprive him of his stipulated payment. Heracles took Troy, slew Laomedon and his sons, and gave Hesione to his companion Telamon, to whom she bore a son, Teucer.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Hesione, a daughter of Laomedon, and consequently a sister of Priam. When Troy was visited by a plague and a monster on account of Laomedon's breach of promise, Laomedon, in order to get rid of these calamities, chained Hesione to a rock, in accordance with the command of an oracle, where she was to be devoured by wild beasts. Heracles, on his return from the expedition against the Amazons, promised to save her, if Laomedon would give him the horses which he had received from Zeus as a compensation for Ganymedes. Laomedon again promised, but did not keep his word. (Hom. Il. v. 649, &c.; Diod. iv. 42; Apollod. iii. 12.7.) Hesione was afterwards given as a slave to Telamon, by whom she became the mother of Teucrus. Priam sent Antenor to claim her back, and the refusal on the part of the Greeks is mentioned as one of the causes of the Trojan war. (Dares, Phryg. 4, &c.) According to Tzetzes (ad Lycoph. 467), Hesione, already in pregnancy by Telamon, fled from his ship to Miletus, where king Arion found her and her newly-born son, Trambelus, whom he brought up as his own child.
  There are two other mythical personages of this name, one a daughter of Danaus, and by Zeus the mother of Orchomenus (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 230), and the other the wife of Nauplius, and the mother of Palamedes, Oeax, land Nausimedon. (Apollod. ii. 1.5.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Ceroessa (Keroessa), a daughter of Zeus by Io, and born on the spot where Byzantium was afterwards built. She was brought up by a nymph of the place, and afterwards became the mother of Byzas. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Buzantion.) From this story it must be inferred, that Argos had some share in founding the colony of Byzantium, which is otherwise called a colony of Megara.

Colonizations by the inhabitants

Daulis in Phocis

VISII (Ancient city) TURKEY
Yet one might say that in the ancient times the whole of Greece was a settlement of barbarians, if one reasons from the traditions themselves . . . Daulis in Phocis . . . was once held by the Thracians who came with Tereus.

Tereus lived in Daulis, part of what is now called Phocis, but which at that time was inhabited by Thracians.



Epic poems

Eponymous founders or settlers


ENOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Gouneos' brother and Odysseus' friend (Steph. Byz.).


KIOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
And when Cius, who was also a companion of Heracles and with him on the voyage (of Argonauts), returned from Colchis, he stayed here and founded the city which was named after him.

Cios (Kios), a son of Olympus, from whom Cios (Prusa) on the Propontis derived its name, as he was believed to have led thither a band of colonists from Miletus (Schol. ad Theocrit. xiii. 30; ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 1177). Strabo (xii.) calls him a companion of Heracles who founded Cios on his return from Colchis.


PIONIES (Ancient city) TURKEY
In Mysia beyond the Caicus is a town called Pioniae, the founder of which according to the inhabitants was Pionis, one of the descendants of Heracles. When they are going to sacrifice to him as to a hero, smoke of itself rises up out of the grave. This occurrence, then, I have seen happening. (Paus.9.18.4)


Byzas (Buzas), a son of Poseidon and Ceroessa, the daughter of Zeus and Io. He was believed to be the founder of Byzantium. (Steph. Byz. s. v.; Diod. iv. 49.) This transplantation of the legend of Io to Byzantium suggests the idea, that colonists from Argos settled there. The leader of the Megarians, who founded Byzantium in n. c. 658, was likewise called Byzas. (Muller, Dor. i. 6.9)


Hyrtacus & Arisbe

ARTAKI (Ancient city) TURKEY
Hyrtacus, (Hurtakos). A Trojan, to whom Priam gave his own first wife Arisba on marrying Hecuba. Homer makes him the father of Asius, called Hyrtacides. In Vergil, Nisus and Hippocoon are also represented as sons of Hyrtacus.

Hyrtacus (Hurtakos), a Trojan, the husband of Arisbe, and father of Asius and Nisus, who are hence called Hyrtacides (Hom. Il. ii. 837, &c.; Apollod. iii. 12,5; Virg. Aen. ix. 177, 406). A second personage of this name occurs in Virgil. (Aen. v. 492.)


Ide, a nymph by whom Hyrtacus became the father of Nisus. (Virg. Aen. ix. 177.)


ASTAKOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
AThracian, founds Astacus.


ENOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
(Verg. Aenias 3,17)


KIOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
There (in Mysia) they (Argonauts) left Hercules and Polyphemus. For Hylas, son of Thiodamas, a minion of Hercules, had been sent to draw water and was ravished away by nymphs on account of his beauty. But Polyphemus heard him cry out, and drawing his sword gave chase in the belief that he was being carried off by robbers. Falling in with Hercules, he told him; and while the two were seeking for Hylas, the ship put to sea. So Polyphemus founded a city Cius in Mysia and reigned as king; but Hercules returned to Argos. However Herodorus says that Hercules did not sail at all at that time, but served as a slave at the court of Omphale. But Pherecydes says that he was left behind at Aphetae in Thessaly, the Argo having declared with human voice that she could not bear his weight. Nevertheless Demaratus has recorded that Hercules sailed to Colchis; for Dionysius even affirms that he was the leader of the Argonauts.

Polyphemus. A son of Elatus or Poseidon and Hippea, was one of the Lapithae at Larissa in Thessaly. He was married to Laonome, a sister of Heracles, with whom he was connected by friendship. He was also one of the Argonauts, butt being left behind by them in Mysia, he founded Cios, and fell against the Chalybes. (Hom. Il. i. 264; Schol. ad Apolton. Rkod. i. 40, 1241, iv. 1470; Val. Flacc. i. 457; Apllod. i. 9. 16, 19.)

Gods & demigods

Electra, one of the seven Pleiades

DARDANOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Electra, a daughter of Atlas and Pleione, was one of the seven Pleiades, and became by Zeus the mother of Jasion and Dardanus (Apollod. iii. 10.1, 12.1, 3). According to a tradition preserved in Servius (ad Aen. i. 32, ii. 325, iii. 104, vii. 207) she was the wife of the Italian king Corythus, by whom she had a son Jasion; whereas by Zeus she was the mother of Dardanus (Comp. Serve. ad Aen. i. 384, iii. 167; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 29). Diodorus (v. 48) calls Harmonia her daughter by Zeus. She is connected also with the legend about the Palladium. When Electra, it is said, had come as a suppliant to the Palladium, which Athena had established, Zeus or Athena herself threw it into the territory of Ilium, because it had been sullied by the hands of a woman who was no longer a pure maiden, and king Ilus then built a temple to Zeus (Apollod. iii. 12.3). According to others it was Electra herself that brought the Palladium to Ilium, and gave it to her son Dardanus (Schol. ad Eurip. Phoen. 1136). When she saw the city of her son perishing in flames, she tore out her hair for grief and was thus placed among the stars as a comet (Serv. ad Aen. x. 272). According to others, Electra and her six sisters were placed among the stars as the seven Pleiades, and lost their brilliancy on seeing the destruction of Ilium (Serv. ad Virg. Georg. i. 138; Eustath. ad Hom. 1155). The fabulous island of Electris was believed to have received its name from her. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 916)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Dec 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Hermes Imbramus

Imbramus (Imbramos), a surname of Hermes (Eustath. ad Dionys. Per. 524; Steph. Byz. s. v. Imbros), in which Welcker (Trilogie) recognises a name of the Pelasgian Hermes, who went from Attica to Lemnos, Imbros and Samothrace, and is said to have been identical with Himerus. He is seen on a coin of Imbros, with a patera and a knotty staff.

Athena Iasonia

KYZIKOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Iasonia, a surname of Athena at Cyzicus. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 960)


Son of Dionysus and Aphrodite, worshipped at Lampsacus, his image on Mt. Helicon.


PRIAPOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
The main place of his worship.


Chryses, son of Astynome

CHRYSSI (Ancient city) TURKEY
Chryses. A son of Agamemnon or Apollo by Astynome. When Agamemnon restored Astynome to her father, she was with child, and, on giving birth to a boy, she declared him to be a son of Apollo, and called him Chryses. Subsequently, when Orestes and Iphigeneia fled to Chryses on their escape from Tauris, and the latter recognized in the fugitives his brother and sister, he assisted them in killing king Thoas. (Hygin. Fab. 120, &c.))


DARDANOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Ilus (Ilos). A son of Dardanus by Bateia, the daughter of Teucer. Ilus died without issue, and left his kingdom to his brother, Erichthonius. (Apollod. iii. 12.1, &c.)


TROAS (Ancient country) TURKEY
A Trojan, father of Leocritus, strips Otus.


TROY (Ancient city) TURKEY
Corythus, a son of Paris and Oenone. He loved Helena and was beloved by her, and was therefore killed by his own father (Parthen. Erot. 34). According to other traditions, Oenone made use of him for the purpose of provoking the jealousy of Paris, and thereby causing the ruin of Helena (Conon, Narrat. 22; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 57). Others again call Corythus a son of Paris by Helena (Dictys. Cret. v. 5). There are four other mythical personages of this name. (Ptolem. Heph. ii.; Ov. Met. v. 125, xii. 290; Paus. i. 4.6)


Aesacus (Aisakos), a son of Priam and Arisbe, the daughter of Merops, from whom Aesacus learned the art of interpreting dreams. When Hecuba during her pregnancy with Paris dreamt that she was giving birth to a burning piece of wood which spread conflagration through the whole city, Aesacus explained this to mean, that she would give birth to a son who would be the ruin of the city, and accordingly recommended the exposure of the child after its birth. Aesacus himself was married to Asterope, the daughter of the river-god Cebren, who died early, and while he was lamenting her death he was changed into a bird (Apollod. iii. 12.5). Ovid (Met. xi. 750) relates his story differently. According to him, Aesacus was the son of Alexirhoe, the daughter of the river Granicus. He lived far from his father's court in the solitude of mounitainforests. Hesperia, however, the daughter of Cebren, kindled love in his heart, and on one occasion while he was pursuing her, she was stung by a viper and died. Aesacus in his grief threw himself into the sea and was changed by Thetis into an aquatic bird.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Sep 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Aesacus : Perseus Encyclopedia


Laocoon (Laokoon). A son of Priam and Hecuba, or, according to others, of Antenor , and a priest of Apollo during the Trojan War. While offering, in the exercise of his sacerdotal office, a bullock to render Poseidon propitious to the Trojans, two enormous serpents issued from the sea, and, having first destroyed his two sons, whom he vainly endeavoured to save, attacked Laocoon himself, and, winding themselves round his body, crushed him to death in their folds. This dreadful punishment was inflicted by the goddess Athene for the part Laocoon had taken in endeavouring to dissuade the Trojans from admitting into Troy the famous wooden horse, which the Greeks had consecrated to Athene.
    An enduring fame has been gained for the story of Laocoon, from its forming the subject of one of the most remarkable groups in sculpture which time has spared to us. It represents the agonized father and his youthful sons, one on each side of him, writhing and expiring in the folds of the serpents. The figures are naked, the drapery that is introduced being used only to support and fill up the composition. This superb work of art, which Pliny describes inaccurately as consisting of only a single block of marble, originally ornamented the baths of Titus, among the ruins of which it was found in the year 1506. The names of the sculptors who executed it are also recorded. They are Agesander, Polydorus, and Athenodorus, natives of Rhodes. Pliny says: "The Laocoon, which is in the palace of the emperor Titus, is a work to be preferred to all others, either in painting or sculpture. Those great artists, Agesander, Polydorus, and Athenodorus, Rhodians, executed the principal figure and the sons and the wonderful folds of the serpents out of one block of marble."   This group is justly considered, by all competent judges, to be a masterpiece of art. It combines, in its class, all that sculpture requires, and both admits of, and may truly be studied as, a canon. The subject is of the most affecting and interesting kind; and the expression in every part of the figures reaches, but does not exceed, the limits of propriety. Intense mental suffering is portrayed in the countenances, while the physical strength of all the three figures is evidently sinking under the irresistible power of the huge reptiles wreathed around their exhausted limbs. One son, in whose side a serpent has fixed his deadly fangs, seems to be fainting; the other, not yet bitten, tries to disengage one foot from the serpent's embrace. The father, Laocoon, himself, is mighty in his sufferings: every muscle is in extreme action, and his hands and feet are convulsed with painful energy. Yet there is nothing frightful, disgusting, or contrary to beauty in the countenance. Suffering is faithfully and strongly depicted there, but it is rather the exhibition of mental anguish than of the repulsive and undignified contortions of mere physical pain. The whole of this figure displays the most intimate knowledge of anatomy and of outward form; the latter selected with care, and freed from any vulgarity of common individual nature. Indeed, the single figure of Laocoon may be fairly referred to as one of the finest specimens existing of that combination of truth and beauty which is so essential to the production of perfect sculpture, and which can alone insure for it lasting admiration. The sons are of a smaller standard than the proportion of the father--a liberty hardly justifiable, but taken, probably, with the view of heightening the effect of the principal figure by the so-called "pyramidal" arrangement. The right arm of Laocoo is a restoration; but so ably done, though only in plaster, that the deficiency is said to be scarcely a blemish. Some antiquarians have thought that the original action of the arm was not extended, but that this limb was bent back towards the head; and they have supported their hypothesis by the fact of there being a rough and broken surface where they think the hand, or perhaps a fold of the serpent, may have come in contact with the hair. This view is rendered still more probable by a smaller figure of Laocoon, now in the Museum at Naples. Though much mutilated, it is evidently copied from the famous group, and is sufficiently preserved to show that the arms were drawn back, as described above.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Agelaus. A slave of Priam, who exposed the infant Paris on mount Ida, in consequence of a dream of his mother. When, after the lapse of five days, the slave found the infant still alive and suckled by a bear, he took him to his own house and brought him up. (Apollod. iii. 12.4)


VISII (Ancient city) TURKEY
Native of Bizye, son of Ares, known from the Athenian myth of Procne and Philomela, reigned at Daulis. More information at Ancient Daulis


VITHYNIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
Bormus, (Bormos or Borimos), a son of Upius, a Mariandynia, was a youth distinguished for his extraordinary beauty. Once during the time of harvest, when he went to a well to fetch water for the reapers, he was drawn into the well by the nymphs, and never appeared again. For this reason, the country people in Bithynia celebrated his memory every year at the time of harvest with plaintive songs (bormoi) with the accompaniment of their flutes. (Athen. xiv.; Aeschyl. Pers. 941; Schol. ad Dionys. Perieg. 791; Pollux, iv. 54.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks



DARDANOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Aenete (Ainete), a daughter of Eusorus. and wife of Aeneas, by whom she had a son, Cyzicus, the founder of the town of this name. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 950; Orph. Argon. 502, where she is called Aenippe)


Beroe, a Trojan woman, married to Doryclus, one of the companions of Aeneas. Iris assumed the appearance of Beroe when she per-suaded the women to set fire to the ships of Aeneas on the coast of Sicily. (Virg. Aen. v. 620, &c.) There are three other mythical personages of this name, concerning whom nothing of interest is related. (Hygin. Fab. 167; Virg. Geory. iv. 341 ; Nonnus, Dionys. xli. 155.)


Creusa, a daughter of Priam and Hecabe, and the wife of Aeneias, who became by her the father of Ascanius and Iulus (Apollod. iii. 12.5). Conon (Narrat. 41) calls her the mother of Anius by Apollo. When Aeneias fled from Troy, she followed him; but she was unable to discover his traces, and disappeared. Aeneias then returned to seek her. She then appeared to him as a shade, consoled him, revealed to him his future fate, and informed him that she was kept back by the great mother of the gods, and was obliged to let him depart alone (Virg. Aen. ii. 725, 738, 752, 769, 775, &c.). In the Lesche of Delphi she was represented by Polygnotus among the captive Trojan women (Paus. x. 26.1).


MYSIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
Arganthone, a fair maiden in Mysia, who used to hunt alone in the forests. Rhesus, attracted by the fame of her beauty, came to her during the chase; he succeeded in winning her love, and married her. After he was slain at Troy by Diomedes, she died of grief. (Parthen. Erot. 36; Steph. Byz. s. v. Arganthonis.)


PERKOTI (Ancient city) MYSIA
Daughter of Merops, wife of Priam, handed over by him to Hyrtacus.


TROAS (Ancient country) TURKEY
Glaucia, (Glaukia), a daughter of the rivergod Scamander. When Heracles went to war against Troy, Deimachus, a Boeotian, one of the companions of Heracles, fell in love with Glaucia. But Deimachus was slain in battle before Glaucia had given birth to the child she had by him. She fled for refuge to Heracles, who took her with him to Greece, and entrusted her to the care of Cleon, the father of Deimachus. She there gave birth to a son, whom she called Scamander, and who afterwards obtained a tract of land in Boeotia, traversed by two streams, one of which he called Scamander and the other Glaucia. He was married to Acidusa, from whom the Boeotian well, Acidusa, derived its name, and had three daughters, who were worshipped under the name of " the three maidens." (Plut. Quaest. Gr. 41.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


TROY (Ancient city) TURKEY
   Daughter of Priam and Hecuba, and wife of Aeneas. When Troy was surprised by the Greeks, she fled in the night with her husband, but they were separated during the confusion, nor was her absence observed until the other fugitives arrived at the spot appointed for assembling. Aeneas a second time entered the burning city in quest of his wife; but while he was seeking for her through every quarter of Troy, Creusa appeared to him as a deified personage, and appeased his alarm by informing him that she had been adopted by Cybele among her own attendant nymphs; and she then urged him to pursue his course to Italy, with an intimation of the good fortune that awaited him in that land.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


   (Ilione). Daughter of Priam and Hecuba, wife of Polymnestor or Polymestor, king of the Thracian Chersonesus, to whom she bore a son, Deipylus. Her connection with Polydorus.


Perseus Encyclopedia

   (Poluxene). A daughter of Priam and Hecuba, the betrothed of Achilles, who, at his wedding with her in the temple of the Thymbraean Apollo, was treacherously killed by Paris. After the fall of Troy the shade of Achilles demanded the expiation of his death with her blood, and she was sacrificed on his funeral pyre. Another tradition makes Achilles and Polyxena to have fallen in love with one another when Hector's body was given up to Priam; that Polyxena fled from Troy and joined the Greeks; and that after the death of Achilles she slew herself upon his tomb.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Daughter of Laomedon, sister of Priam.


Antigone, a daughter of Laomedon and sister of Priam. She boasted of excelling Hera in the beauty of her hair, and was punished for her presumptuous vanity by being changed into a stork. (Ov. Met. vi. 93.)

Cilla & Menippus

Cilla (Killa), a daughter of Laomedon and Placia or Leucippe, and a sister of Priam. At the time when Hecabe was pregnant with Paris, the seer Aesacus declared that mother and child must be put to death in order to avert a great calamity; but Priam, who referred this prophetic declaration to Cilla and her son Menippus by Thymoetus, made them suffer instead of Hecabe and Paris. (Apollod. iii. 12.8; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 224.)

Historic figures


Son of Alyates, who was the king of Lydia, and brother of Croesus (Steph. Byz.).


ARISVI (Ancient city) TURKEY
Arisbe, a daughter of Merops and first wife of Priam, by whom she became the mother of Aesacus, but was afterwards resigned to Hyrtacus (Apollod. i. 12.5). According to some accounts, the Trojan town of Arisbe derived its name from her (Steph. Byz. s. v).

Arisbe, a daughter of Teucer and wife of Dardanus. She was a native of Crete, and some traditions stated that it was this Arisbe who gave the name to the town of Arisbe (Steph. Byz. s. v.; Lycophr. 1308). According to others, Bateia was the wife of Dardanus (Apollod. iii. 12.1; comp. Eustath. ad Hom.).


ASTAKOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Astacus (Astakos), a son of Poseidon and the nymph Olbia, from whom the town of Astacus in Bithynia, which was afterwards called Nicomedeia, derived its name. (Arrian. ap. Steph. Byz. s. v.; Paus. v. 12.5; Strab. xii.)


GARGARA (Ancient city) TURKEY
Gargarus (Gargaros), a son of Zeus, from whom the town and mountain of Gargara in Mysia were believed to have derived their name. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Garguara)


IDE (Mountain) TURKEY
Idaeus (Idaios), a son of Dardanus and Chryse, and brother of Deimas, went with his father from Peloponnesus, by way of Samothrace, to Phrygia, and settled on the mountains of Phrygia, which derived from him the name of Ida, or the Idaean mountains. He is further said to have instituted there the worship and mysteries of the Phrygian mother of the gods. (Dionys. Hal. i. 61)


KEVRIN (Ancient city) TURKEY
Cebren (Kebren), a river-god in Troas, the father of Asterope or Hesperie and Oenone. (Apollod. iii. 12.5, &c.; Ov. Met. xi. 769)

Cyzicus & Cleite

KYZIKOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Cyzicus (Kuzikos), a son of Aeneus and Aenete, the daughter of Eusorus (Apollon. Rhod. i. 948; Val. Flacc. iii. 3). According to others, he was himself a son of Eusorus, and others again make him a son of Apollo by Stilbe (Hygin. Fab. 16; Conon, Narrat. 41; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod.). He was king of the Doliones at Cyzicus on the Propontis. In compliance with an oracle he received the Argonauts kindly, when they landed in his dominion. When, after their departure, they were cast back upon the shore by a storm and landed again at night-time, they were mistaken by the Doliones for a hostile people, and a struggle ensued, in which Cyzicus was slain by Heracles or Jason. On the next morning the mistake was discovered, and the Argonauts mourned for three days with the Doliones over the death of their king, and celebrated funeral games in his honour (Apollod. i. 9.18; Conon, Narrat. 41, who gives a different account).

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Cleite (Kleite), a daughter of king Merops, and wife of Cyzicus. After the murder of her husband by the Argonauts she hung herself, and the tears of the nymphs, who lamented her death, were changed into the well of the name of Cleite. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 967, 1063, &c.)


VITHYNIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
Bebryce (Bebruke), one of the Danaids, whom Apollodorus (ii. 1.5) calls Bryce, and from whom the Bebryces in Bithynia were believed to have derived their name. (Eustath. ad Dionys. Perieg. 805.) Others however derived the Bebryces from a hero, Bebryx. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Bebrukon).



ENOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Entertains Herakles at Aenus.


KOLONES (Ancient city) TURKEY
Cycnus, a son of Poseidon by Calyce (Calycia), Harpale, or Scamandrodice (Hygin. Fab. 157; Schol. ad Pind. Ol. ii. 147; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 233). He was born in secret, and was exposed on the sea-coast, where he was found by shepherds, who seeing a swan descending upon him, called him Cycnus. When he had grown up to manhood, he became king of Colonae in Troas, and married Procleia, the daughter of Laomedon or of Clytius (Paus. x. 14.2), by whom he became the father of Tenes and Hemithea. Dictys Cretensis (ii. 13) mentions different children. After the death of Procleia, he married Philonome, a daughter of Craugasus, who fell in love with Tenes, her stepson, and not being listened to by him calumniated him, so that Cycnus in his anger threw his son together with Hemithea in a chest into the sea. According to others Cycnus himself leaped into the sea (Virg. Aen. ii. 21). Afterwards, when Cycnus learned the truth respecting his wife's conduct, he killed Philonome and went to his son, who had landed in the island of Tenedos, and had become king there. According to some traditions, Tenes did not allow his father to land, but cut off the anchor (Conon, Narrat. 28; Paus. x. 14.2). In the war of the Greeks against Troy, both Cycnus and Tenes assisted the Trojans, but both were slain by Achilles. As Cycnus could not be wounded by iron, Achilles strangled him with the thong of his helmet, or by striking him with a stone (Comp. Diod. v. 83; Strab. xiii.; Schol. ad Theocrit. xvi. 49; Dict. Cret. ii. 12, &c.; Ov. Met. xii. 144). Ovid adds, that the body of Cycnus disappeared and was changed into a swan, when Achilles came to take away his armour.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


VITHYNIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
Amycus (Amukos). A son of Poseidon; a gigantic king of the Bebrycians on the Bithynian coast, who forced every stranger that landed there to box with him. When the Argonauts wished to draw water from a spring in his country, he forbade them, but was conquered and killed in a match with Polydences (Pollux).

Amycus. A son of Poseidon by Bithynis, or by the Bithynian nymph Melia. He was ruler of the country of the Bebryces, and when the Argonauts landed on the coast of his dominions, he challenged the bravest of them to a boxing match. Polydeuces, who accepted the challenge, killed him (Apollod. i. 9.20; Hygin. Fab. 17; Apollon. Rhod. ii. init.). The Scholiast on Apollonius (ii. 98) relates, that Polydences bound Amycus. Previous to this fatal encounter with the Argonauts, Amycus had had a feud with Lycus, king of Mysia, who was supported by Heracles, and in it Mydon, the brother of Amycus, fell by the hands of Heracles (Apollod. ii. 5.9 ;Apollon. Rhod. ii. 754). Pliny (H. N. xvi. 89) relates, that upon the tomb of Amycus there grew a species of laurel (laurus insana), which had the effect that, when a branch of it was taken on board a vessel, the crew began to quarrel, and did not cease until the branch was thrown overboard. Three other mythical personages of this name occur in Ov. Met. xii. 245; Virg. Aen. x. 705, compared with Hom. Il. vi. 289; Virg. Aen. xii. 509, compared with v. 297.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Mythical monsters

Conidalus (Conisalus ?)

PRIAPOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Conisalus (Konidalos), a daemon, who together with Orthanes and Tychon appeared in the train of Priapus. (Aristoph. Lys. 983; Athen. x.; Strab. xiii.; Hesych. s. v.)



KEVRIN (Ancient city) TURKEY



MYSIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
Granicus, (Granikos), a river god of Mysia, is described by Hesiod (Theog. 342) as a son of Oceanus and Thetys. But according to Stephanus Byzantinus (s. v. Graikos), the name Granicus was derived by some from Graecus, the son of Thessalus.

The place was conquered by:


He also took Lesbos and Phocaea, then Colophon, and Smyrna, and Clazomenae, and Cyme; and afterwards Aegialus and Tenos, the so-called Hundred Cities; then, in order, Adramytium and Side; then Endium, and Linaeum, and Colone. He took also Hypoplacian Thebes and Lyrnessus, and further Antandrus, and many other cities.


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