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Mythology (54)

Ancient myths


Daughter of Coeus and Phoebe, to avoid Zeus plunges into the sea and is transformed into a quail.


Ctesylla (Ktesulla), a beautiful maiden of the island of Cos, of whom and Hermochares Antoninus Liberalis (Met. 1) relates nearly the same story which other writers relate of Cydippe and Acontius. Buttmann (Mythol. ii.) thinks that Ctesylla was originally an attribute of some ancient national divinity at Ceos -Aphrodite Ctesylla was worshipped there- who was believed to have had some love affair with a mortal.


Son of the Sun or of Cephalus and Day, his sisters bewail his fate beside the Eridanus, statue of Phaethon in chariot.

Phaethon "the shining". A name that occurs in Homer as an epithet or surname of Helios (the Sun), and is used by later writers as a proper name for Helios; but it is more commonly known as the name of a son of Helios by the Oceanid Clymene, the wife of Merops. The genealogy of Phaethon, however, is not the same in all writers, for some call him a son of Clymenus, the son of Helios by Merope, or a son of Helios by Prote, or, lastly, a son of Helios by the nymph Rhode or Rhodos. He received the significant name of Phaethon from his father, and was afterwards presumptuous and ambitious enough to request his father to allow him, for one day, to drive the chariot of the sun across the heavens. Helios was induced, by the entreaties of his son and of Clymene, to yield; but the youth being too weak to check the horses, they rushed out of their usual track, and came so near the earth as almost to set it on fire. Thereupon Zeus killed him with a flash of lightning, and hurled him down into the river Eridanus. His sisters, the Heliades or Phaethontiades, who had yoked the horses to the chariot, were metamorphosed into poplars, and their tears into amber.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Aegle. A sister of Phaeton, and daughter of Helios and Clymene. (Hygin. Fab 154, 156.) In her grief at the death of her brother she and her sisters were changed into poplars.


Daughter of Catreus, loved by Hermes, with his brother Althaemenes set out from Crete to Rhodes, killed by her brother.

Colonizations by the inhabitants

Tlepolemus settled in the Iberian islands

The people of Tlepolemus touched at Crete; then they were driven out of their course by winds and settled in the Iberian islands.



Telchines who lived in Rhodes, the first makers of images of gods

   Telchines. A family or a tribe said to have been descended from Thalassa or Poseidon, whence Eustathius gives them fins instead of feet. They are represented in three different aspects: (1) As cultivators of the soil and ministers of the gods, in which capacity they came from Crete to Cyprus, and from thence to Rhodes, where they founded Camirus, Ialysus, and Lindus. Rhodes, which was named after them Telchinis, was abandoned by them because they foresaw that the island would be inundated. Poseidon was intrusted to them by Rhea, and they brought him up in conjunction with Caphira, a daughter of Oceanus. Rhea, Apollo, and Zeus, however, are also described as hostile to the Telchines. Apollo is said to have assumed the shape of a wolf, and to have thus destroyed the Telchines, and Zeus to have overwhelmed them by an inundation. (2) As sorcerers and envious daemons, their very eyes and aspect are said to have been destructive. They had it in their power to bring on hail, rain, and snow, and to assume any form they pleased; they, further, mixed Stygian water with sulphur, in order thereby to destroy animals and plants. (3) As artists they are said to have invented useful arts and institutions, and to have made images of the gods. They worked in brass and iron, and made the sickle of Cronos and the trident of Poseidon. They seem in general to suggest the gnomes of the Northern mythology and the genii of Oriental folklore. They may be compared also with the Idaei Dactyli.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

The Telchines, fist making images to Goods

Some vague tradition of the influences just mentioned may be traced in the myths of such creatures as the Cyclopes, Idaean Dactyli, and Telchines--monsters or daemons of superhuman strength and skill. The Cyclopes are usually said to come from Lycia; they are usually represented as the builders of colossal walls. such as those of Mycenae and Tiryns; but works of sculpture are attributed to them--a head of Medusa at Argos and the Lions over the gate at Mycenae (which really belong to a Phrygian series). The Idaean Dactyli, or Fingers from Mount Ida, are attributed sometimes to Ida in Phrygia, sometimes to Ida in Crete; besides possessing skill in magic, they are said to have invented the working of iron. The Telchines, often in later times confused with the Dactyli even in names, seem to belong to Rhodes (Ov. Met. vii. 365), but are also connected with Crete and Cyprus. They, too, work in iron and bronze, and also practise magic. To these mythical workmen are attributed such objects as the Trident of Poseidon, the thunderbolts of Zeus, the Sickle of Cronus. It is obviously absurd to look for historical races or persons in such stories; but the countries to which they are assigned may indicate the belief of the Greeks as to the quarters whence were derived the technical appliances of art in the earliest times.

This extract is from: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890) (eds. William Smith, LLD, William Wayte, G. E. Marindin). Cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

The origin of painting, by Telchines

The origin of painting as an art in Greece is connected with definite historical personages; but that of sculpture is lost in the mists of legend. Its authentic history does not begin until about the year B.C. 600. It was regarded as an art imparted to men by the gods; for such is the thought expressed in the assertion that the earliest statues fell from heaven. Some early application of taste and skill to plastic art may be indicated in the mythical stories respecting the Idaei Dactyli and the Telchines of Rhodes (Ovid, Met.vii. 365), who were reported to have worked in iron and bronze.

This extract is cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


After the Telchines, the Heliadae, according to the mythical story, took possession of the island; and to one of these, Cercaphus, and to his wife Cydippe, were born children who founded the cities that are named after them,Lindus, Ialysus, and Cameirus white with chalk. (Strabo 14,2,8)

Heliades and Heliadae (Heliadai).
(1) The daughters of Helios (the Sun) and Clymene. They were three in number--Lampetie, Phaethusa, and Phoebe; or seven, according to Hyginus-- Merope, Helie, Aegle, Lampetie, Phoebe, Aethria, and Dioxippe. They were so afflicted at the death of their brother Phaethon that they were changed by the gods into poplars, and their tears into amber, on the banks of the river Po.
(2) Children of Helios and the nymph Rhodus. They were seven in number, and were fabled to have been the first inhabitants of the island of Rhodes.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Actis (among the Heliades) sailed off to Egypt and founded there the city of Heliopolis.


Candalus (among the Heliades) settled in Cos


Cercaphus (among the Heliades) succeeded to the throne of Rhodes after his brother Ochimus. His sons divided the kingdom


Macar (among the Heliades) king of Lesbos. He is also called son of Crinacus, son of Zeus.


Ochimus (the oldest among the Heliades) king of Rhodes


Tenages, being the most gifted among the Heliades, his brothers, out of envy, murdered him. When their treacherous act became known, all who had taken part in the murder fled and settled in different places.

Eponymous founders or settlers


KAMIROS (Ancient city) RHODES
Three grandsons of Helios and the nymph Rhodos, daughter of Aphrodite, were the eponymous heroes of the three ancient cities, Ialysos and Kameiros on the W coast and Lindos on the E.

Cameirus (Kameiros), a son of Cercaphus and Cydippe, and a grandson of Helios. The town of Cameiros, in Rhodes, is said to have derived its name from him. (Diod. v. 57; Pind. Ol. vii. 135, with the Schol.; Eustath. ad Hom.)


Gods & demigods

Zeus Atabyrius

Atabyrius (Ataburios), a surname of Zeus derived from mount Atabyris or Atabyrion in the island of Rhodes, where the Cretan Althaemenes was said to have built a temple to him (Apollod. iii. 2.1; Appian, Mithrid. 26). Upon this mountain there were, it is said, brazen bulls which roared when anything extraordinary was going to happen. (Schol. ad Pind. Ol. vii. 159)

Apollo Ixius

Ixius, a surname of Apollo, derived from a district of the island of Rhodes which was called Ixiae or Ixia. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Ixiai ; comp. Strab. xiv.)


(Polubotes), one of the giants who fought against the gods. He was pursued by Poseidon across the sea as far as the island of Cos. There Poseidon tore away a part of the island, which was afterwards called Nisyrion, and throwing it upon the giant buried him under it.

Gods & heroes related to the location


Althemenes or Althaemenes (Althaimenes), a son of Catreus, king of Crete. In consequence of an oracle, that Catreus would lose his life by one of his children, Althemenes quitted Crete together with his sister Anemosyne, in order to avoid becoming the insurunient of his father's death. He landed in Rhodes at a place which he called Cretenia, and in remembrance of the god of his own native island, he erected on mount Atabyrus an altar to Zeus Atabyrius. His sister was seduced in Rhodes by Hermes, but Althemenes, disbelieving her account, killed her by kicking her with his foot. When Catreus had become advanced in years, he had an invincible desire to see his only son once more, and to place his crown in his hands. He accordingly sailed to Rhodes. On his landing there, he and his companions were attacked by shepherds, who mistook them for pirates. During the ensuing struggle, Althemenes came to the protection of his subjects, and shot his own father dead. When he became aware of what he had done, he prayed to the gods, and was swallowed up by the earth. This is the account of Apollodorus (iii. 2.1, &c.), with which Diodorus (v. 59) agrees in the main points, except that he represents Althemenes as wandering about after the murder, and at last dying with grief. He adds, that the Rhodians subsequently worshipped him as a hero.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


When Hercules was sailing from Troy, Hera sent grievous storms, which so vexed Zeus that he hung her from Olympus. Hercules sailed to Cos, and the Coans, thinking he was leading a piratical squadron, endeavored to prevent his approach by a shower of stones. But he forced his way in and took the city by night, and slew the king, Eurypylus, son of Poseidon by Astypalaea. And Hercules was wounded in the battle by Chalcedon; but Zeus snatched him away, so that he took no harm. And having laid waste Cos, he came through Athena's agency to Phlegra, and sided with the gods in their victorious war on the giants.


Peleus, king of Thessaly, son of Aeacus, he survived his son and even grandson, and died in misery in the island of Cos


Danaus feared the sons of Egyptus, and by the advice of Athena he built a ship, being the first to do so, and having put his daughters on board he fled. And touching at Rhodes he set up the image of Lindian Athena.


Kadmos stopped at Rhodes on his way from Phoenicia to Thebes


In the grip of old age Catreus yearned to transmit the kingdom to his son Althaemenes, and went for that purpose to Rhodes.

Orestes, Iphigenia and Pylades

When Orestes was come with Pylades to the land of the Taurians, he was detected, caught, and carried in bonds before Thoas the king, who sent them both to the priestess. But being recognized by his sister, who acted as priestess among the Taurians, he fled with her, carrying off the wooden image. It was conveyed to Athens and is now called the image of Tauropolus. But some say that Orestes was driven in a storm to the island of Rhodes, ... and in accordance with an oracle the image was dedicated in a fortification wall.


They say that when Menelaus was dead, and Orestes still a wanderer, Helen was driven out by Nicostratus and Megapenthes and came to Rhodes, where she had a friend in Polyxo,the wife of Tlepolemus.



Chalcodon, a Coan who wounded Heracles in a fight at night (Apollod. ii. 7.1). Theocritus (vii. 6) calls him Chalcon. There are four other mythical personages of this name. (Apollod. ii. 1.5, iii. 5.15; Paus. vi. 21.7, viii. 15.3; Hom. Il. ii. 741, iv. 463)


A case of a town built in such a spot was Old Salpia in Apulia, founded by Diomede on his way back from Troy, or, according to some writers, by Elpias of Rhodes. (Vitruvius Pollio, 1.4.1)



Electryone (Elektruone), a daughter of Helios and Rhodos. (Diod. v. 56; Schol. ad Pind. Ol. vii. 24.) The name is also used as a patronymic from Electryon, and given to his daughter, Alcmene. (Hes. Scut. Herc. 16)

Historic figures


Astypalaea (Astupalaia), a daughter of Phoenix and Perimede, the daughter of Oeneus. She was a sister of Europa, and became by Poseidon the mother of the Argonaut Ancaeus and of Eurypylus, king of the island of Cos. The island Astypalaea among the Cyclades derived its name from her. (Apollod. ii. 7.1; Paus. vii. 4.2; Apollod. Rhod. ii. 866; Steph. Byz. s. v.)


ASTYPALEA (Ancient city) KOS
Mother of Eurypylus by Poseidon.

Coeus & Phoebe

Coeus; a Titan, son of Sky and Earth. Phoebe; a Titanid, daughter of Sky and Earth wife of Coeus. Parents of Asteria and Latona.

Nymph Rhodos

Three grandsons of Helios and the nymph Rhodos, daughter of Aphrodite, were the eponymous heroes of the three ancient cities, Ialysos and Kameiros on the W coast and Lindos on the E.


Aegle (Aigle). The most beautiful of the Naiads, daughter of Zeus and Neaera (Virg. Eclog. vi. 20), by whom Helios begot the Charites. (Paus. ix. 35.1)


Merops & Echemeia

A king of the isle of Cos, from whose name its inhabitants in early times were called Meropes

Cercaphus & Cydippe

Son of Helios and Rhodes, father of the eponymous of the three cities of the island of Rhodes: Ialysus, Camirus and Lindus.



One of the Hesperides, mother of Graces by the Sun.


The island was inhabited first by the Carians, later by Minoans Ov. Met. 7.456 62, and then, during the historical period, by Megarians and Dorians from the Argolis.


KRITINIA (Ancient area) RHODES
Son of Catreus, quits Crete and settles in Rhodes, founds an altar of Atabyrian Zeus, kills his sister and his father.

Dorians from Megara & Argos

The Rhodians, like the people of Halicarnassus and Cnidus and Cos, are Dorians; for of the Dorians who founded Megara after the death of Codrus, some remained there, others took part with Althaemenes the Argive in the colonization of Crete, and others were distributed to Rhodes and to the cities just now mentioned. But these events are later than those mentioned by Homer, for Cnidus and Halicarnassus were not yet in existence, although Rhodes and Cos were; but they were inhabited by Heracleidae.

This extract is from: The Geography of Strabo (ed. H. L. Jones, 1924), Cambridge. Harvard University Press. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains comments & interesting hyperlinks.

Argives & Dorians settled on the island

Mycenaean Greeks settled on the Island of Rhodes in c. 1400 B.C., and were followed by Dorian speaking Greeks after c. 1100 B.C. The Dorians formed three city states on the island: Ialysos, Lindos, Kameiros.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from Perseus Project URL bellow, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Althaemenes from Crete

Catreus, son of Minos, had three daughters, Aerope, Clymene, and Apemosyne, and a son, Althaemenes. When Catreus inquired of the oracle how his life should end, the god said that he would die by the hand of one of his children. Now Catreus hid the oracles, but Althaemenes heard of them, and fearing to be his father's murderer, he set out from Crete with his sister Apemosyne, and put in at a place in Rhodes, and having taken possession of it he called it Cretinia.

The inhabitants founded the cities:

Salapia in Apulia

According to legend, it was founded by Diomedes or by Elpias of Rhodes

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