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SALMONI (Ancient city) ILIA
Salmoneus, son of Aeolus by Enarete, was the father of Tyro by Alcidice (Od. 11.236). He was said to be the founder of the city.
Salmoneus. Son of Aeolus and Enarete and brother of Sisyphus. He originally lived in Thessaly, but emigrated to Elis, where he built the town of Salmone. His presumption and arrogance were so great that he deemed himself equal to Zeus, and ordered sacrifices to be offered to himself; nay, he even imitated the thunder and lightning of Zeus, but the father of the gods killed him with his thunderbolt, destroyed his town, and punished him in the lower world. His daughter Tyro bore the patronymic Salmonis.
This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
Alcidice (Alkidike), the daughter of Aleus, and wife of Salmoneus, by whom she had a daughter, Tyro. Alcidice died early, and Salmoneus afterwards married Sidero. (Diod. iv. 68; Apollod. i. 9.8)
Daughter of Salmoneus and Alcidice, wife of Cretheus (see IOLCUS, ancient city). After Poseidon took the form of the river-god Enipeus, that Tyro was in love with, he laid with her and she bore to him two sons, Pelias and Neleus. To her husband Cretheus Tyro bore Aeson, Amythaon and Pheres (Od. 2.120, 11.235).
Turo. The daughter of Salmoneus and Alcidice. She was the wife
of Cretheus, and beloved by the river-god Enipeus in Thessaly, in whose form Poseidon
appeared to her, and became by her the father of Pelias and Neleus. By Cretheus
she was the mother of Aeson, Pheres, and Amythaon.
Tyro : Perseus Encyclopedia
Salmoneus, who originally lived in Thessaly, migrated afterwards to Elis, where he built a city Salmone. The river Enipeus rises in Mount Othrys in Thessaly, and, after receiving the waters of the Apidanus, falls into the Peneus; but as Salmoneus had two homes, one in Thessaly and the other in Elis so we find the name of the river on which his Elean city, Salmone, was built was also called Enipeus.
Enipeus. A small river in Pisatis (Elis) flowing into the Alpheus.
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