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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 100 (επί συνόλου 113) τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Ομηρικός κόσμος για το τοπωνύμιο: "ΙΘΑΚΗ Νησί ΙΟΝΙΑ ΝΗΣΙΑ".

Ομηρικός κόσμος (113)

Επώνυμοι ιδρυτές ή οικιστές


Ithacus (Ithakos), a son of Pterelaus, a hero from whom Ithaca was believed to have derived its name. (Hom. Od. xvii. 207; Eustath. ad Hom. pp. 307, 1815; Hesych. s. v.) Odysseus, king of Ithaca, is sometimes simply called Ithacus, or the Ithacan. (Ov. Ep. ex Pont. i. 3, 33; Virg. Aen. ii. 104.)

Ελληνικές δυνάμεις του Καταλόγου των Νεών

Τρωικός πόλεμος

Νησί του Ιονίου πελάγους, πατρίδα του Οδυσσέα, που συμμετείχε στον Τρωικό πόλεμο και περιλαμβάνεται στον Κατάλογο των Νεών (Ιλ. Β 632). Το νησί, αρκετά ορεινό, δεν ήταν κατάλληλο για ιπποτροφία, όμως παρήγαγε μεγάλες ποσότητες σίτου και οίνου και η γη ήταν καλή για νομή αιγών και βοδιών (Οδ. ν 242 κ.ε.).

Αρχηγοί των Ελλήνων στον πόλεμο της Τροίας

Οδυσσέας και Πηνελόπη

Βασιλιάς της Ιθάκης, γιος του Λαέρτη και της Αντίκλειας (Οδ. π 117 κ.ε.), σύζυγος της Πηνελόπης και πατέρας του Τηλέμαχου. Ελαβε μέρος στον πόλεμο της Τροίας με 12 πλοία (Ιλ. Β 631-644) και εμπνεύστηκε την κατασκευή του Δούρειου Ιππου. Το ταξίδι της επιστροφής του στην πατρίδα διήρκησε δέκα χρόνια.
Η Πηνελόπη ήταν κόρη του Ικάριου και της Περίβοιας (Οδ. α 329) και διακρίθηκε για τη σύνεση και την πίστη που επέδειξε το μεγάλο διάστημα απουσίας του Οδυσσέα, κατά το οποίο την ζητούσαν επίμονα σε γάμο πολλοί μνηστήρες.

Χαρακτηριστική είναι η σύντομη παρουσία στην Οδύσσεια του πιστού σκύλου του Οδυσσέα, του Αργους, που, όταν επέστρεψε ο κύριός του στην πατρίδα ύστερα από 20 χρόνια, τον αναγνώρισε κι ευθύς αμέσως ξεψύχησε (Οδ. ρ 292).

   (Odusseus; the Latin equivalent being Ulixes; erroneously written Ulysses). King of Ithaca, son of Laertes and Anticlea, the daughter of Autolycus. In post-Homeric legends he is called a son of Sisyphus, conceived by Anticlea before her marriage with Laertes. According to Homer, his name ("the hater," from odussomai) was given him by his grandfather Autolycus, because he himself had so often cherished feelings of hatred during his life. His wife Penelope, daughter of Icarius, is said by later legends to have been obtained for him by her uncle Tyndareos in gratitude for counsel given by him.When his son Telemachus was still an infant, Agamemnon and Menelaus, as Homer tells us, prevailed on him to take part in the expedition against Troy. Their task was hard, as it had been predicted to him that it would be twenty years before he saw his wife and child again. Later writers relate that he was bound, as one of Helen's suitors, to take part in the scheme, but tried to escape his obligation by feigning madness, and among other acts yoked a horse and an ox to his plough and so ploughed a field. When, however, Palamedes, who, with Nestor and Menelaus, was desirous of taking him to Troy, proceeded to place Telemachus in the furrow, he betrayed himself, and had to accompany them to the war. Odysseus led the troops of Ithaca and the surrounding islands to Troy in twelve vessels. In contrast to the later legend, which represents him as a cowardly, deceitful, and intriguing personage, he always appears in Homer among the noblest and most respected of the heroes, and, on account of his good qualities, he is the declared favourite of Athene. He combines in his person courage and determined perseverance with prudence, ingenuity, cunning, and eloquence. Accordingly, he is employed by preference as a negotiator and a spy. Thus, after the disembarkation, he goes with Menelaus into the enemy's city to demand the surrender of Helen. Again, he is among those who are despatched by the Greeks to reconcile with Agamemnon the enraged Achilles. With Diomedes, who delights in his company, he captures the spy Dolon and surprises Rhesus; with the same hero he is said by later legend to have stolen the Palladium from Troy. When Agamemnon faint-heartedly thinks of flight, he opposes this idea with the utmost decision. Everywhere he avails himself of the right time and the right place, and, where courage and cunning are needed, is ever the foremost. After Achilles' death, in the contest with Aiax, the son of Telamon, he received the hero's arms as a recognition of his services, and by his ingenuity brought about the fall of Troy. Shortly before it, he stole into the city in the garb of a beggar, in order to reconnoitre everything there; he then climbed with the others into the wooden horse, and contrived to control the impatient and the timid alike until the decisive moment.
    His adventures during the return from Troy and on his arrival in his native country form the contents of the Odyssey of Homer. Immediately after the departure Odysseus was driven to the Thracian Ismarus, the city of the Cicones, and, though he plundered it, he lost in a surprise seventy-two of his companions. When he was desirous of rounding the promontory of Malea, the southeast point of the Peloponnesus, he was caught by the storm and carried in nine days to the coast of North Africa, on to the land of the Lotophagi (lotus-eaters), whence he had to drag his companions by force to prevent their forgetting their homes for love of the lotus-food. Thence the voyage passed into the legendary world of the Western Sea, then little known to the Greeks. Odysseus came first to the country of the Cyclopes, where, with twelve of his comrades, he was shut up in a cavern by Polyphemus. The monster had already devoured half of Odysseus's companions before the latter intoxicated him, deprived him of his one eye, and by his cunning escaped with his comrades. From this time the anger of Poseidon, on whom Polyphemus called for revenge, pursued him and kept him far from his country. On the island of Aeolus, the Keeper of the Winds, he found hospitable entertainment, and received on his departure a leathern bag, in which were enclosed all the winds except the western. The latter would have carried him in nine days to the coast of Ithaca; but, while Odyssens was resting, his comrades opened the bag, which they imagined to contain treasure, and the winds thus released carried them back to Aeolus. He ordered them off from his island, regarding them as enemies of the gods. On coming to Telepylus, the city of Lamus, King Antiphates and his Laestrygones, cannibals of immense stature, shattered eleven of their vessels, and the twelfth was saved only by Odysseus's wariness. On the island of Aeaea the sorceress Circe turned part of his crew into swine, but with the help of Hermes, who gave him an antidote against her charms, he compelled her to restore them to their human shape, and spent a whole year with her in pleasure and enjoyment. When his companions urged him to return home, Circe bade him first sail towards the farthest west, to the entrance into the lower world on the farther bank of Oceanus, and there question the shade of the seer Tiresias concerning his return. From the latter he learned that it was the malice of Poseidon that prevented his return, but that nevertheless he would attain his object if his comrades spared the cattle of Helios on the island of Thrinacia; otherwise, it would be only after a long time, deprived of all his comrades and on a foreign ship, that he would reach his home. Odysseus next returned to the isle of Circe and set out on his homeward voyage, supplied by her with valuable directions and a favouring wind. Passing the isles of the Sirens, who tried to lure his vessel upon the rocks by their sweet songs, but whom Odysseus resisted by filling his sailors' ears with wax and lashing himself to the mast, and sailing through Scylla and Charybdis, he reached the island of Thrinacia, where he was compelled to land by his comrades. They were there detained for a month by contrary winds; at length his comrades, overcome by hunger, in spite of the oath they had sworn to him, slaughtered, during his absence, the finest of the cattle of Helios. Scarcely were they once more at sea, when a terrible storm broke forth, and Zeus split the ship in twain with a flash of lightning, as a penalty for the offence. All perished except Odysseus, who clung to the mast and keel, and was carried back by the waves to Scylla and Charybdis, and after nine days reached the island of Ogygia, the abode of the nymph Calypso, daughter of Atlas. For seven years he dwelt here with the nymph, who promised him immortality and eternal youth, if he would consent to remain with her and be her husband. But the yearning for his wife and home made him proof against her snares. All the day long he sat on the shore gazing through his tears across the broad sea; anxious to catch a glimpse, were it only of the rising smoke of his home, and thereafter die. So his protectress, Athene, during Poseidon's absence, prevailed on Zeus, in an assembly of the gods, to decree his return, and to send Hermes to order Calypso to release him. Borne on a raft of his own building, he came in eighteen days near to Scheria, the island of the Phaeacians, when Poseidon caught sight of him and shattered his raft in pieces. However, with the aid of the veil of Ino Leucothea, he reached land in safety, and met with Nausicaa, the king's daughter, who conducted him into the Phaeacian city before her parents Alcinous and Arete. He received the most hospitable treatment, and was then brought by the Phaeacians loaded with presents on board one of their marvellous vessels to his own country, which he reached after twenty years' absence, while asleep. He arrived just in time to ward off the disaster that was threatening his house. After his mother Anticlea had died of grief for her son, and old Laertes had retired to his country estate in mourning, more than a hundred noble youths of Ithaca and the surrounding isles had appeared as suitors for the hand of the fair and chaste Penelope, had persecuted Telemachus, who was now growing up to manhood, and were wasting the substance of the absent Odysseus. Penelope had demanded a respite from making her decision until she had finished weaving a shroud intended for her father-in-law, and every night unravelled the work of the day. In the fourth year one of her attendants betrayed the secret; she had to complete the garment, and when urged to make her decision promised to choose the man who should win in a shooting-match with Odysseus's bow, hoping that none of the wooers would be able even so much as to bend it. Just before the day of trial, Odysseus landed on the island disguised by Athene as a beggar. He betook him self to the honest swineherd Eumaeus, one of the few retainers who had remained true to him, who received his master, whom he failed to recognize, in an hospitable manner. To the same spot Athene brought Telemachus, who had returned in safety, in spite of the plots of the suitors, from a journey to Nestor at Pylus, and to Menelaus and Helen in Sparta. Hereupon Odysseus made himself known, and, together with his son and retainer, concerted his plan of revenge. In the shape of a beggar he betook himself to the house, where he manfully controlled his anger at the arrogance of the suitors which was displayed towards himself, and his emotion on meeting Penelope. Next day the shooting-match took place. This involved shooting through the handles of twelve axes with the bow of Eurytus, which the latter's son Iphitus had once presented to the young Odysseus. None of the suitors could bend the bow, and so Odysseus took hold of it, and bent it in an instant, thus achieving the master-shot. Supported by Telemachus, Eumaeus, and the herdsman Philoetius, and with the aiding presence of Athene, he shot first the insolent Antinous, and then the other suitors. He next made himself known to Penelope, who had meanwhile fallen into a deep sleep, and visited his aged father. In the meantime the relatives of the murdered suitors had taken up arms, but Athene, in the form of Mentor, brought about a reconciliation. The only hint of Odysseus's end in Homer is in the prophecy of Tiresias--that in a calm old age a peaceful death will come upon him from the sea.
    In later poetry Telegonus, the son of Odysseus by Circe, is sent forth by his mother to seek out his father. He lands at Ithaca, and plunders the island. Odysseus proceeds to meet him, is wounded by him with a poisonous sting-ray, given by Circe to her son as a spear-point, and dies a painful death, which thus comes "from the sea." On Telegonus discovering that he had killed his father, he carried the dead body home with him, together with Penelope and Telemachus, and there the latter lived a life of immortality, Telemachus becoming husband of Circe, and Telegonus of Penelope. Besides Telegonus, the legend told of two sons of Odysseus by Circe, named Agrius and Latinus, who were said to have reigned over the Etruscans. Telegonus, in particular, was regarded by the Romans as the founder of Tusculum and Praeneste. In later times the adventures of Odysseus were transferred, as a whole, to the coast of Italy: the promontory of Circeii was regarded as the abode of Circe, and Formiae as the city of the Laestrygones. Near Surrentum was found the island of the Sirens; near Cape Lacinium that of Calypso, while near to Sicily were the isle of Aeolus, Scylla, and Charybdis, and, on the Sicilian shore, the Cyclopes. Odysseus is generally represented as a bearded man, wearing a semi-oval cap like that of a Greek sailor, as in the first illustration.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

   (Penelope and Penelope). A princess of Greece, daughter of Icarius, brother of Tyndarus, king of Sparta, and of Polycaste or Periboea. She became the wife of Odysseus, monarch of Ithaca, and her marriage was celebrated about the same time with that of Menelaus and Helen. Penel Penelope became by Odysseus the mother of Telemachus, and was obliged soon after to part with her husband, whom the Greeks compelled to go to the Trojan War. Twenty years passed away, and Odysseus did not return to his home. Meanwhile his palace at Ithaca was crowded with numerous and importunate suitors, aspiring to the hand of the queen. Her relatives also urged her to abandon all thoughts of the probability of her husband's return, and not to disregard, as she had, the solicitations of the rival aspirants to her favour. Penelope, however, exerted every resource which her ingenuity could suggest to protract the period of her decision: among others she declared that she would make choice of one of them as soon as she should have completed a web that she was weaving (intended as a funeral ornament for the aged Laertes); but she baffled their expectations by undoing at night what she had accomplished during the day. This artifice has given rise to the proverb of "Penelope's web," or "to unweave the web of Penelope" (Penelopes telam retexere), applied to whatever labour appears to be endless. For three years this artifice succeeded, but on the beginning of a fourth a disclosure was made by one of her female attendants; and the faithful and unhappy Penelope, constrained at length by the renewed importunities of her persecutors, agreed, at their instigation, to bestow her hand on him who should shoot an arrow from the bow of Odysseus through a given number of axe-eyes placed in succession. An individual disguised as a beggar was the successful archer. This was no other than Odysseus, who had just returned to Ithaca. The hero then directed his shafts at the suitors, and slew them all. The character of Penelope has been variously represented, some writers saying that she was unfaithful to Odysseus with all the suitors, and that from this intercourse was born Pan; but it is the more general version that she is to be considered as a model of conjugal and domestic virtue.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Odysseus & Penelope: Perseus Encyclopedia

Ηρωες του Τρωικού πολέμου - Ελληνες


Κήρυκας του Οδυσσέα (Ιλ. Α 320, Ι 170).


Σύντροφος του Οδυσσέα, που οδήγησε ως αρχηγός μία ομάδα συντρόφων στην Κίρκη (Οδ. κ 205) και ακολούθησε τον Οδυσσέα στον Αδη (Οδ. λ 23). Εξαιτίας της συμβουλής του να σφάξουν τα βόδια του Ηλίου, προκάλεσε το θάνατο του ίδιου και των υπολοίπων (Οδ. μ 339 & 417).

Eurylochus (Eurulochos), one of the companions of Odysseus in his wanderings. He was the only one that escaped from the house of Circe, while his friends were metamorphosed into swine; and when Odysseus went to the lower world, Eurylochus and Perimedes performed the prescribed sacrifices. It was on his advice that the companions of Odysseus carried off some of the oxen of Helios. (Hom. Od. x. 203, &c., xi. 23, &c., xii. 339, &c.)


Αρκείσιος & Χαλκομέδουσα

Γιος του Διός και πατέρας του Λαέρτη (Οδ. ξ 183, π 118).

Arceicius (Arkeisios), a son of Zeus and Euryodia, husband of Chalcomedusa and father of Laertes (Hom. Od. xiv. 182, xvi. 118; Apollod. i. 9.16; Ov. Met. xiii. 145; Eustath, ad Hom.). According to Hyginus (Fab. 189), he was a son of Cephalus and Procris, and according to others, of Cephalus and a she-bear.

Λαέρτης (ο Αρκεισιάδης) & Αντίκλεια

Ο Λαέρτης, ο βασιλιάς της Ιθάκης, ήταν γιος του Αρκεισίου και πατέρας του Οδυσσέα (Οδ. π 118). Οταν ήταν νέος είχε πορθήσει το Νήρικο (Οδ. ω 376), ενώ στα γεράματά του είχε αποσυρθεί στους αγρούς (Οδ. λ 187 κ.ε., ω 209 κ.ε.). Οταν επέστρεψε ο Οδυσσέας στην Ιθάκη, συμμετείχε, αν και γέρος, στη μάχη κατά των μνηστήρων (Οδ. ω 498).
Η Αντίκλεια ήταν κόρη του Αυτολύκου, σύζυγος του Λαέρτη και μητέρα του Οδυσσέα και της Κτιμένης (Οδ. λ 85, ο 355 κ.ε.).

Laertes. King of Ithaca, son of Acrisius, husband of Anticlea, and father of Odysseus, who is hence called Laertiades. Some writers call Odysseus the son of Sisyphus. Laertes took part in the Calydonian hunt, and in the expedition of the Argonauts. He was still alive when Odysseus returned to Ithaca, after the fall of Troy.


Laertes, a son of Acrisius and Chalcomedusa, and husband of Anticleia, by whom he became the father of Odysseus and Ctimene. (Hom. Od. iv. 755, xi. 85, xv. 362, xvi. 118; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 1791.) It should, however, be remembered that, according to others, Odysseus was the son of Sisyphus. (Hygin. Fab. 201; Schol. ad Soph. Philoct. 417.) In his youth Laertes had conquered Nericum, a coast town in Cephalenia (Hom. Od. xxiv. 376), and he is also said to have taken part in the Calydonian hunt, and in the expedition of the Argonauts. (Hygin. Fab. 173; Apollod. i. 9. 16.) At the time when Odysseus returned from Troy, Laertes lived in rural retirement, and was occupied with agricultural pursuits, and an old female slave attended to his wants (Od. i. 189); but, after the departure of Telemachus, he was so overpowered by his grief, that he gave up his rustic pursuits. (Od. xvi. 138.) After the murder of the suitors, Odysseus visited him, and led him back to his house, and Athena made him young again, so that soon after he was able to take part in the fight against the approaching Ithacans. (Od. xxiv. 204-370, 497.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2006 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Arceisiades (Arkeisiades), a patronymic from Arceisius. the father of Laertes, who as well as his son Odysseus are designated by the name of Arceisiades. (Hom. Od. xxiv. 270, iv. 755.)

Anticlea, (Antikleia). The daughter of Autolycus, wife of Laertes, and mother of Odysseus. She died of grief at the long absence of her son. It is said that before marrying Laertes she lived on intimate terms with Sisyphus; whence Odysseus is sometimes called a son of Sisyphus.

Anticleia (Antikleia), a daughter of Autolycus, wife of Laertes, and mother of Odysseus (Hom. Od. xi. 85). According to Homer she died of grief at the long absence of her son, who met her and spoke with her in Hades (Od. xv. 356, &c., xi. 202, &c.). According to other traditions, she put an end to her own life after she had heard a report of the death of her son (Hygin. Fab. 243). Hyginus (Fab. 201) also states, that previous to her marrying Laertes, she lived on intimate terms with Sisyphus; whence Euripides (lphig. Aul. 524) calls Odysseus a son of Sisyphus (Comp. Sophocl. Phil. 417; Ov. Met. xiii. 32; Serv. ad Aen. vi. 529). It is uncertain whether this Anticleia is the same as the one whose son Periphetes was killed by Theseus. Of this Periphetes she was the mother by Hephaestus or by Poseidon (Apollod. iii. 16.1; Paus. ii. 1.4; Hygin. Fab. 38). Another mythical personage of this name, who married Machaon, the son of Asclepius, is mentioned by Paus. iv. 30.2.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Αγέλαος (ο Δαμαστορίδης)

Γιος του Δαμάστορος και μνηστήρας της Πηνελόπης, που φονεύθηκε από τον Οδυσσέα (Οδ. υ 321, χ 131, 247 & 293).


Agelaus, a son of Damastor, and one of the suitors of Penelope. (Hom. Od. xx. 321.) In the struggle of Odysseus with the suitors, and after many of them had fallen, Agelaus encouraged and headed those who survived (xxii. 131, 241), until at last he too was struck dead by Odysseus with a javelin. (xxii. 293.)


Γιος του Μελανέως, μνηστήρας της Πηνελόπης, που φονεύθηκε από τον Τηλέμαχο (Οδ. υ 284, ω 103, 120).

Amphimedon, a son of Melaneus of Ithaca, with whom Agamemnon had been staying when he came to call upon Odysseus to join the Greeks against Troy, and whom he afterwards recognised in Hades (Hom. Od. xxiv. 103, &c.). He was one of the suitors of Penelope, and was slain by Telemachus (Od. xxii. 284). Another mythical personage of this name occurs in Ovid. (Met. v. 75)


Γιος του Ευπείθη, ο πιο αυθάδης από τους μνηστήρες, που φονεύθηκε από τον Οδυσσέα (Οδ. δ 660, ρ 462, σ 78, χ 8).

Antinous (Antinous), a son of Eupeithes of Ithaca, and one of the suitors of Penelope, who during the absence of Odysseus even attempted to make himself master of the kingdom and threatened the life of Telemachus. (Hom. Od. xxii. 48, &c., iv. 630, &c., xvi. 371.) When Odysseus after his return appeared in the disguise of a beggar, Antinous insulted him and threw a foot-stool at him. (Od. xviii. 42, &c.) On this account he was the first of the suitors who fell by the hands of Odysseus. (xxii. 8, &c.)


Γιος του Νίσου, από το Δουλίχιο, μνηστήρας της Πηνελόπης, που φονεύθηκε από τον Τηλέμαχο (Οδ. π 394, σ 394, 6 245, χ 89).

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Ενας εκ των μνηστήρων της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. χ 242 & 269).

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Ενας εκ των μνηστήρων της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. χ 267).

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Ενας εκ των μνηστήρων, που φονεύθηκε από τον Τηλέμαχο (Οδ. χ 267).


Ενας εκ των μνηστήρων της Πηνελόπης, που φονεύθηκε από τον Οδυσσέα (Οδ. σ 297, χ 283).


Ενας εκ των μνηστήρων της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. β 22).

Perseus Project


Γιος του Πολύβου, μνηστήρας της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. α 399, β 177, δ 628) , που φονεύθηκε από τον Οδυσσέα (Οδ. χ 69 κ.ε.).

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Μνηστήρας της Πηνελόπης από τη Σάμη (Οδ. υ 300, χ 279 & 285).

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Γιος του Οίνοπος, μάντης κι ένας εκ των μνηστήρων της Πηνελόπης, που φονεύθηκε από τον Οδυσσέα (Οδ. φ 144, χ 310).


Γιος του Ευήνορος, ένας εκ των μνηστήρων της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. β 242, χ 294).


Γιος του Πολύκτορος και ένας εκ των μνηστήρων της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. σ 299, χ 243).


Ενας εκ των μνηστήρων της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. χ 243 & 284).

Perseus Project



Γιος του Οδυσσέα και της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. α 215 κ.ε.). Οταν ενηλικιώθηκε αναζήτησε τον πατέρα του υπό την καθοδήγηση της Αθηνάς, που είχε πάρει την μορφή του Μέντορα (Οδ. α-δ). Υστερα από μάταιη αναζήτηση επέστρεψε στην Ιθάκη, όπου βρήκε τον πατέρα του και μαζί με αυτόν φόνευσε τους μνηστήρες (Οδ. ο-ω).

   (Telemachos). The son of Odysseus and Penelope. He was still an infant when the Trojan War began, and when his father had been absent from home nearly twenty years, Telemachus went to Pylos and Sparta to gather information concerning him. He was hospitably received by Nestor , who sent his own son to conduct Telemachus to Sparta. Menelaus also received him kindly, and communicated to him the prophecy of Proteus concerning Odysseus. From Sparta Telemachus returned home; and on his arrival there he found his father, whom he assisted in slaying the suitors. According to some accounts, Telemachus became the father of Perseptolis either by Polycaste, the daughter of Nestor , or by Nausicaa, the daughter of Alcinous. Others relate that he was induced by Athene to marry Circe, and became by her the father of Latinus; or that he married Cassiphone, a daughter of Circe, but in a quarrel with his mother-in-law slew her, for which he was in his turn killed by Cassiphone. The story of Telemachus was taken as a basis for a famous romance by the great French Archbishop Fenelon, entitled Telemaque, which Louis XIV. regarded as a satire on his court, but which was long popular in France as a school-book.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Telemachus : Perseus Encyclopedia


Γιος του Αιγυπτίου και σύντροφος του Οδυσσέα στον Τρωικό πόλεμο, ο οποίος όμως δεν κατάφερε να επιστρέψει στην πατρίδα του την Ιθάκη, καθώς έγινε γεύμα του Κύκλωπα (Οδ. β 19).

Αρναίος (Ιρος)

Ο Αρναίος ήταν επαίτης, που σκωπτικά οι Ιθακήσιοι είχαν ονομάσει Ιρο (= άγγελος), επειδή οι μνηστήρες τον έβαζαν να κάνει θελήματα (Οδ. σ 5 & 72 & 238).

Iros. A beggar of Ithaca, remarkable for his large stature and unusual gluttony. His original name was Arnaeus, but he received that of Irus, as being the messenger of the suitors of Penelope. Irus attempted to obstruct the entrance of Odysseus into the palace, under the mean disguise assumed by the latter on his return home, and in presence of the whole court challenged him to fight. Odysseus immediately brought him to the ground with a single blow.

This extract is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Πατέρας του Μέντορος (Οδ. χ 235).


Ενας από τους συντρόφους του Οδυσσέα, που αποκοιμήθηκε μεθυσμένος στη στέγη της Κίρκης, από όπου έπεσε κι έσπασε το λαιμό του (Οδ. κ 552). Ο Οδυσσέας τον είδε πάλι στον Αδη (Οδ. λ 51).

One of the companions of Odysseus, who were metamorphosed by Circe into swine and afterwards back into men. Intoxicated with wine, Elpenor one day, while asleep on Circe's roof, fell and broke his neck

Elpenor, one of the companions of Odysseus, who were metamorphosed by Circe into swine, and afterwards back into men. Intoxicated with wine, Elpenor one day fell asleep on the roof of Circe's residence, and in his attempt to rise he fell down and broke his neck. (Hom. Od. x. 550, &c.) When Odysseus was in the lower world, lie met the shade of Elpenor, who implored him to burn his body and to erect a monument to him (Od. xi. 57.) After his return to the island of Circe, Odysseus complied with this request of his friend (Od. xii. 10, &c.; comp. Juven. xv 22; Ov Ibis, 487.) Elpenor was painted by Polygnotus in the Lesche at Delphi. (Paus. x. 29.) Servius (ad Aen. vi. 107) relates that Elpenor was killed by Odysseus himself for necromantic purposes.


Ο πιστός χοιροβοσκός του Οδυσσέα, που καταγόταν από τη νήσο Συρία ήταν γιος του βασιλιά Κτησίου (Οδ. ο 400 κ.ε., ξ 3, ρ 200, χ 280).

Eumaeus, (Eumaios). The faithful swineherd of Odysseus, who gave his master a friendly welcome on his return home in the guise of a beggar, and aided him in the slaughter of the suitors.

Eumaeus (Eumaios), the famous and faithful swineherd of Odysseus, was a son of Ctesius, king of the island of Syrie; he had been carried away from his father's house by a Phoenician slave, and Phoenician sailors sold him to Laertes, the father of Odysseus. (Hom. Od. xv. 403, &c.)


Ηρωας αναφερθείς από τον Ομηρο (Οδ. ρ 207), από τον οποίο ονομάστηκε το νησί Ιθάκη.

Ithacus, (Ithakos). The son of Pterolaus. He was the hero after whom Ithaca was said to have been named


Ιθακήσιος, πατέρας του Πειραίου (Οδ. ο 539, π 327).


Κήρυκας, που ενημέρωσε την Πηνελόπη για τον κίνδυνο, που διέτρεχε ο γιος της Τηλέμαχος από τα σχέδια των μνηστήρων (Οδ. δ 677).


Πατέρας του Αμφιμέδοντος (Οδ. ω 103).


Γιος του Αλκίμου και πιστός φίλος του Οδυσσέα, ο οποίος του ανέθεσε τη φροντίδα του οίκου του όσο καιρό θα έλειπε στην Τροία (Οδ. β 225, δ 654, ρ 68, χ 235 κ.α.).

Mentor. Son of Alcimus of Ithaca, friend of Odysseus, who, on departing for Troy, confided to him the care of his house and the education of Telemachus. His name has hence become a proverbial one for a wise and faithful adviser or monitor. Athene assumed his shape when she brought Telemachus to Pylus, and when she aided Odysseus in fighting the suitors and made peace between him and their relatives.

This extract is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Γιος του Πτερελάου, αδελφός του Ιθάκου (Οδ. ρ 207).


Ιθακήσιος ευγενής, πατέρας του Λειώδους (Οδ. φ 144).


Γιος του Κλυτίου (Οδ. ο 539, ρ 55).


Κήρυκας (Οδ. β 38).


Ενας εκ των συντρόφων (Οδ. λ 23).


Σύντροφος του Οδυσσέα, που τον μεταμόρφωσε η Κίρκη σε χοίρο (Οδ. κ 224).


Ιθακήσιος, πατέρας του Ευρύμαχου (Οδ. ο 519, π 345).


Γιος του Πτερελάου, ένας εκ των τριών αρχαιοτάτων ηρώων της Ιθάκης (Οδ. ρ 207).



Κόρη του Λαέρτη και αδελφή του Οδυσσέα (Οδ. ο 262).

Ευρύκλεια, η πιστή τροφός του Οδυσσέα

Η Ευρύκλεια, κόρη του Ωπος, ήταν η πιστή τροφός του Οδυσσέα, τον οποίο αναγνώρισε από μια ουλή, παρόλο που είχε μεταμφιεστεί σε επαίτη (Οδ. α 429, τ 15, τ 491 κ.ε., χ 391).

Euryclea, a daughter of Ops, was purchased by Laertes and brought up Telemachus. When Odysseus returned home, she recognized him, though he was in the disguise of a beggar, by a scar, and afterwards she faithfully assisted him against the suitors. (Hom. Od. i. 429, &c., iv. 742, &c., xix. 385, &c., xxii. xxiii.)

Διάφορα άλλα πρόσωπα


Ιθακήσιος άρχοντας, του οποίου ο γιος ήταν σύντροφος του Οδυσσέα στον Τρωικό πόλεμο (Οδ. β 15).


Θαλαμηπόλος της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. ψ 228).


Θεραπαινίδα της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. σ 182).


Θεραπαινίδα της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. Σ 182).


Δούλος του Λαέρτη (Οδ. δ 735, ω 498).

Dolius (Dolios), an aged slave of Penelope, whom she had received from her father on her martying Odysscus, and who took care of her garden. On the return of Odysseus from his wanderings, Dolius and his six sons welcomed him, and was ready to join his master against the relatives of the suitors. (Hom. Od. iv. 735; xxiv. 498.)


Οικονόμος στο παλάτι του Οδυσσέα στην Ιθάκη (Οδ. ρ 495, τ 96).

Μελανθεύς / Μελάνθιος

Γιος του Δολίου, αιγοβοσκός του Οδυσσέα, που υποστήριξε τους μνηστήρες αντί του κυρίου του και στο τέλος τιμωρήθηκε για αυτή τη στάση του (Οδ. ρ 212 κ.ε., φ 175 κ.ε., χ 135 κ.ε. & 472 κ.ε.).

Melanthius, (Melanthios). A goat-herd of Odysseus.


Κόρη του Δολίου, θεραπαινίδα της Πηνελόπης και μία εκ των ερωμένων των μνηστήρων (Οδ. σ 320, τ 65). Φονεύθηκε από τον Οδυσσέα μαζί με τις υπόλοιπες θεραπαινίδες, που διήγαν στο παλάτι έκλυτο βίο (Οδ. χ 430 κ.ε.).


Δούλος του χοιροβοσκού Εύμαιου (Οδ. ξ 449 & 455).


Γιος του Φρονίου (Οδ. Β 386).


Πατέρας του Πεισάνδρου, ενός εκ των μνηστήρων της Πηνελόπης (Οδ. σ 299, χ 243).


Γιος του Τερπίου, περιβόητος αοιδός από την Ιθάκη (Οδ. α 154, 337, ρ 263, χ 330).

(Phemios). A celebrated minstrel of Ithaca.


Πιστός ποιμένας του Οδυσσέα, τον οποίο βοήθησε να σκοτώσει τους μνηστήρες (Οδ. υ 185, φ 189).

Perseus Project


Πατέρας του Νοήμονος (Οδ. β 386).

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