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Homeric world (3)



An island of the Aegean Sea, opposite the coast of Troas (Il. 1.38 & 452, Od. 3.159).



Father of Hecamede from the island of Tenedos (Il. 11.626).



She was the daughter of Arsinous and was awarded to Nestor, after the sack of the island of Tenedos by Achilles (Il. 11.624).

Biographies (1)


Cleosratus of Tenedus, 6th cent. BC

   (Kleostratos). An astronomer of Tenedos, who is said to have introduced the familiar Zodiac signs. He flourished about the year B.C. 500.

Olympic games (1)

Ancient olympic champions, wrestling

Damocrates, 204 B.C., 144th Olympiad

Damocrates, of Tenedos, a distinguished wrestler, of whom there was a statue at Olympia (Paus. vi. 17.1). He is probably the same as the one of whom an anecdote is related by Aelian. (V. H. iv. 15)

Religious figures biography (2)


Meletius II, 18th century

Archbishop of Constantinople (1768-1769)


Information about the place (5)

The Catholic Encyclopedia

Commercial WebPages

Perseus Project index


Total results on 24/9/2001: 10

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


   A small island of the Aegaean Sea, off the coast of Troas, of an importance very disproportionate to its size, on account of its position near the mouth of the Hellespont, from which it is about twelve miles distant. It appears in the legend of the Trojan War as the station to which the Greeks withdrew their fleet, in order to induce the Trojans to think that they had departed, and to receive the wooden horse. In the Persian War it was used by Xerxes as a naval station. It afterwards became a tributary ally of Athens, and adhered to her during the whole of the Peloponnesian War, and down to the peace of Antalcidas, by which it was surrendered to the Persians. At the Macedonian conquest the Tenedians regained their liberty. The women of the island were noted for their beauty.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


  Tenedos (Eth. Tenedios: Tenedo, Turk. Bogdsha-Adassi). An island off the coast of Troas, from which its distance is only 40 stadia, while from Cape Sigeum it is 12 miles distant. (Strab. xiii. p. 604; Plin. ii. 106, v. 39.) It was originally called Leucophrys, from its white cliffs, Calydna, Phoenice, or Lyrnessus (Strab. l. c.; Paus. x. 14. § 3; Steph. B. s. v. Tenedos; Eustath. ad Hom. Il. p. 33; Plin. l. c.), and was believed to have received the name of Tenedos from Tennes, a son of Cycnus (Strab. viii. p. 380; Diod. v. 83; Conon, Narrat. 28; Cic. in Verr. i. 1. 9). The island is described as being 80 stadia in circumference, and containing a town of the same name, which was an Aeolian settlement, and situated on the eastern coast. (Herod. i. 149; Thucyd. vii. 57.) The town possessed two harbours, one of which was called Boreion (Arrian, Anab. ii. 2. § 2; Scylax, p. 35, who, however, notices only one), and a temple of the Smynthian Apollo. (Strab. l. c.; Hom. Il. i. 38, 452.) In the Trojan legend, the island plays a prominent part, and at an early period seems to have been a place of considerable importance, as may be inferred from certain ancient proverbial expressions which owe their origin to it, such as Tenedios pelekus (Steph. B. s. v.; Apostol. xviii. 28; Diogenian. viii. 58; comp. Cic. ad Quint. Frat. ii. 1. 1), Tenedios anthropos (Zenob. vi. 9; Eustath. ad Dionys. 536), Tenedios hauletes (Steph. B. s. v.; Plut. Quaest. Gr. 28), Tenedion kakon (Apostol. x. 80), and Tenedios xunegoros (Steph. B. s. v.). The laws and civil institutions of Tenedos seem to have been celebrated for their wisdom, if we may credit Pindar, whose eleventh Nemean ode is inscribed to Aristagoras, a prytanis or chief magistrate of the island. We further know from Stephanus B. that Aristotle wrote on the polity of Tenedos. During the Persian wars the island was taken possession of by the Persians (Herod. vi. 31), and during the Peloponnesian War it sided with Athens and paid tribute to her (Thuc. l. c. ii. 2), which seems to have amounted to 3426 drachmae every year. (Franz, Elem. Epigraph. n. 52.) Afterwards, in B.C. 389, Tenedos was ravaged by the Lacedaemonians for its fidelity to Athens (Xen. Hist. Gr. v. 1. 6); but though the peace of Antalcidas gave up the island to Persia, it yet maintained its connection with Athens. (Demosth. c. Polycl. p. 1223, c. Theocr. p. 1333.) In the time of Alexander the Great, the Tenedians threw off the Persian yoke, and, though reconquered by Pharnabazus, they soon again revolted from Persia. (Arrian, Anab. ii. 2, iii. 2.) During the wars of Macedonia with the Romans, Tenedos, owing to its situation near the entrance of the Hellespont, was an important naval station. (Polyb. xvi. 34, xxvii. 6; Liv. xxxi. 16, xliv. 28.) In the war against Mithridates, Lucullus fought a great naval battle near Tenedos. (Plut. Luc. 3; Cic. p. Arch. 9, p. Mur. 15.) In the time of Virgil, Tenedos seems to have entirely lost its ancient importance, and, being conscious of their weakness, its inhabitants had placed themselves under the protection of Alexandria Troas (Paus. x. 14. § 4). The favourable situation of the island, however, prevented its utter decay, and the emperor Justinian caused granaries to be erected in it, to receive the supplies of corn conveyed from Egypt to Constantinople. (Procop. de Aed. v. 1.) The women of Tenedos are reported to have been of surpassing beauty. (Athen. xiii. p. 609.) There are but few ancient remains in the island worthy of notice.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Archaeological findings (2)

Ancient coins

Perseus Coin Catalog

Tenedos [2 Coins]-Perseus Coin Catalog

Ancient literary sources (1)

Perseus Encyclopedia


Island, afterwards called Tenedos, old name of Tenedos.

Various locations (1)

Ancient place-names


A group of small islands off the coast of Troy, to the north of Tenedos (Plin. v. 38; comp. Eustath. ad Hom. Il. ii. p. 306). Their modern name is Taochan Adassi.

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