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Venetian mansions

RODIA (Small town) GAZI
There are scattered at the settlements of Rodia, Linoperameta, Pantanassa and Paleokastro. Kallergis family mansion in Rodia is the most well-known, and the only sample of a private residence preserved in Malevizi since Venetian occupation period.

This extract is cited Oct 2002 from the Municipality of Gazi URL below, which contains image.

  On the main road, in the centre of the village, there is an interesting Venetian villa with lovely portals.

Local government WebPages

In Rodia you would see the church of Virgin Mary's Annunciation, which bears a doorframe dated from 1553 with a coat of arms that most probably belongs to Kallergi family, the Monastery of Savatiana and Agio Sava's Monastery. The Feudal Lords Mansion has been preserved since 1965 at Georgios and Fragiskos Modinos area, has been announced listed and it is under state ownership.

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