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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "URLA Town TURKEY" .

Ancient literary sources (3)

Perseus Encyclopedia

Klazomenai (Clazomenae)

City of Ionia, its resistance to Alyattes, Clazomenian treasury at Delphi, taking of the town by Persians, taken by Achilles, baths at, Agamemnon worshipped at, Clazomenians set up statue of athlete at Olympia.



After Hypocremnus one comes to Chytrium, the site on which Clazomenae was situated in earlier times. Then to the present Clazomenae, with eight small islands lying off it that are under cultivation. Anaxagoras, the natural philosopher, an illustrious man and associate of Anaximenes the Milesian, was a Clazomenian. And Archelaus the natural philosopher and Euripides the poet took his entire course. Then to a temple of Apollo and to hot springs, and to the gulf and the city of the Smyrnaeans.



POLICHNI (Ancient city) TURKEY
After this three vessels sailed over to Clazomenae, and made that city revolt also; and the Clazomenians immediately crossed over to the mainland and began to fortify Polichna, in order to retreat there, in case of necessity, from the island where they dwelt.

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