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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "ARMENIA Ancient country ARMENIA" .

Ancient literary sources (2)

Perseus Encyclopedia


ARMENIA (Ancient country) ARMENIA
Source of the Halys, of the Euphrates, adjacent to Cilicia, part of the Persian empire, Armenians in Xerxes' army.



As for Armenia, the southern parts of it have the Taurus situated in front of them, which separates it from the whole of the country between the Euphrates and the Tigris, the country called Mesopotamia; and the eastern parts border on Greater Armenia and Atropene; and on the north are the mountains of Parachoathras that lie above the Caspian Sea, and Albania, and Iberia, and the Caucasus, which last encircles these nations and borders on Armenia, and borders also on the Moschian and Colchian mountains as far as the Tibarani, as they are called; and on the west are these nations and the mountains Paryadres and Scydises in their extent to Lesser Armenia and the river land of the Euphrates, which latter separates Armenia from Cappadocia and Commagene.

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