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Ancient place-names

Echidorus river

  Echidorus (Echeidoros, Scyl. p. 26; Echedoros, Ptol. iii. 13. § 4), a small river of Macedonia, which rises in the Crestonaean territory, and after flowing through Mygdonia empties itself into a lagoon close to the Axius (Herod. vii. 124, 127). It is now called the Galliko: Gallicum was the name of a place situated 16 M. P. from Thessalonica, on the Roman road to Stobi (Peut. Tab.). It is probable that when the ancient name of the river fell into disuse, it was replaced by that of a town which stood upon its banks, and that the road to Stobi followed the valley of the Echidorus. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iii. pp. 437,439.)

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