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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "ICEL Province TURKEY" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (1)

Ancient oracles

Oracle at Seleucia, in Cilicia

SELEFKIA (Ancient city) TURKEY
Oracle at Seleucia, in Cilicia (cf. Steph. Byz. s. v. Seleukeia). Here Apollo was invoked as Sarpedonius (from the neighbouring promontory, dedicated to the hero Sarpedon). The people of Palmyra, in the height of their pride under Zenobia, asked this oracle if they could conquer the empire of the East. It is not surprising that they were repelled (Zosim. i. 57). It would seem that this is the oracle called by Strabo the oracle of Artemis Sarpedonia (xiv. 5, §9).

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