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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "SALAPIA Ancient city PUGLIA" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (2)

Ancient oracles

Oracles of Calchas and Podalirius

SALAPIA (Ancient city) PUGLIA
Oracles of Calchas and Podalirius, on Mount Drion, in South Italy (Daunia). The character and ceremonial of these oracles were similar to each other, and also to the oracle of Amphiaraus at Oropus (see above). (Strabo, vi. p. 284.)

In Daunia, on a hill by the name of Drium, are to be seen two hero-temples: one, to Calchas, on the very summit, where those who consult the oracle sacrifice to his shade a black ram and sleep in the hide, and the other, to Podaleirius, down near the base of the hill, this temple being about one hundred stadia distant from the sea; and from it flows a stream which is a cure-all for diseases of animals.

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