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Agios Konstantinos

Agios Konstantinos name is taken from the local church. It is testified in Venetian censuses of the 16th and 17th centuries, while in the Egyptian administration's 1834 census it comprised 50 families. In 1881 it formed part of the Municipality of Roustika and had 263 inhabitants; by 1900 this number had increased to 345. Since 1928 it has formed a community in its own right. Under Venetian rule it was a fief of the Barozzi family - to this day the village retains the overall appearance of that time. Several fine houses were built during the period Agios Konstantinos served as a summer retreat for the Venetian nobles of Rethymnon. The drinking fountain erected by the Barozzi family can still be seen one mile to the east of the village. The municipal ward of Agios Konstantinos includes the Venetian settlement of Agios Georgios, lying at an altitude of 390m.

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