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  The village of Koustogerako is 73km from Chania. Koustogerako, 500 metres above sea level, is in a very wild, beautiful position. Deep gorges and steep mountain cliffs surround the village. Southwest of the village at a height of 200 metres is the cave of Cyclopa, possibly related to the epic poem Odyssey in the story of the Cyclops. The cave is a long way from the village and difficult to approach. Koustogerako itself has a dramatic history. It was burned twice by the Venetians, and once in 1821 by the Turks. Finally, Koustogerako was razed by the Nazis. The Germans had gathered the old men, women, and children of the village and were about to execute them when shots killed the machine gunner. The other soldiers ran away and the villagers escaped. The Nazis returned the next day and destroyed the village.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

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