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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Religious figures biography  for wider area of: "MIRES Municipality HERAKLIO" .

Religious figures biography (1)


Sts Eutychlos and Eutychlanos Cassiane

Sts Eutychlos and Eutychlanos Cassiane were brothers of Cretan origin. While young they chose the ascetic life and established themselves in a remote and dry place in southern Crete. Soon Eutychios was appointed Bishop of Gortyn. He was persecuted for being very active and an uncompromising Christian. Later he, his brother and sister were exiled from the hometown. During the exile, they lived in a cave for the rest of their lives. The cave today is referred to by their names. To honour their memory, St. Ioannis the "Xenos" built a Church there. Today their relics are kept at the monastery of Odegetria. We celebrate their memory on August 17 each year.

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