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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: History  for wider area of: "KROTON Ancient city CALABRIA" .

History (2)

Participation in the fights of the Greeks

Naval Battle of Salamis

KROTON (Ancient city) CALABRIA
The only ones living beyond these to help Hellas in its danger were the Crotonians, with one ship. Its captain was Phayllus, three times victor in the Pythian games. The Crotonians are Achaeans by birth.

Population movements

Troezenians of Sybaris - Croton

Achaeans settled at Sybaris jointly with Troezenians, and afterwards the Achaeans having become more numerous expelled the Troezenians. (The Troezenian population when expelled were received at Croton, which made war on Sybaris and destroyed it 510 B.C.).

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