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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: The inhabitants  for wider area of: "ASSYRIA Ancient country PERSIAN GULF" .

The inhabitants (3)

Ancient tribes


ASSYRIA (Ancient country) PERSIAN GULF
A people of ancient Assyria, described by Pliny as being to the east of Gaugamela (vi. 26. s. 30). There can be no doubt that these are the present Rowandi, a tribe living, as in ancient times, about the great mountain Rowandiz, in Kurdistan, and doubtless connected with the Orontes of Ptolemy (vi. 2. § 4). They derive, their name from Erwend, a pure old Persian root, which was usually Hellenized into Orodes or Orontes. (Rawlinson, Journ. of Geog. Soc. x. p. 73.)

Names of the inhabitants


The first to worship Heavenly Aphrodite.


Perseus Project Index. Total results on 14/6/2001: 155 for Assyrians.

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