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ARIA (Settlement) LYRKIA
  Mazi or Aria, situated near the site of the ancient town Inoi, is a beautiful village built on the eastern mountainside of Mount Artemisio. Due to its altitude it is a popular summer holiday resort. Its few inhabitants (only 57 in 1991) deal with farming, olive trees, bee-keeping and cattle-raising. The stony houses keep their traditional style while there are some modern buildings, which are used as cottages. The vegetation and the springs make it attractive even to the occasional visitor.
  The ancient town of Inoi was a small town, known just for the victory of the Athenians and the Argives against the Lacedaemonians (around 460 BC). According to Pausanias, following the route from Argos to the west, one would reach Inoi, situated at the foot of Artemisio Mountain next to the modern village Mazi. There are only a few remains of the town among which a polygonal wall of a room. On the peak of the mountain there was a temple devoted to Artemis.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited March 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

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