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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Main pages  for wider area of: "MELISSOPETRA Village KONITSA" .

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  Small hamlet of Melissopetra. At its foot lies the green valley and next to it flows Sarantaporos river which is the natural border with the Albanian hills. Before this hamlet we meet Mertziani bridge demolished since the second world war. This bridge used to join Greece and Albania. Outside the hamlet it is still preserved the pretty monastery of St. Nikolas dated from the 16th century.

This text is cited June 2003 from the Municipality of Konitsa URL below.

  Near Bourazani above Aoos river Melisopetra outstretches gradually at the slope of a retaining hill. In front of the village rests the river that extend all over the plain forming charming banks under the shadow of plane - trees.

This text is cited June 2003 from the Municipality of Konitsa URL below.

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