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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Culture & Art Centres  for wider area of: "PELLA Municipality GIANNITSA" .

Culture & Art Centres (1)


The Archaeological Museum of Pella

  The building of the Archaeological Museum of Pella was intended for a tourist pavilion. However, following changes to the interior of the building in 1973, the finds from excavations in Pella were housed there. The current exhibition was organized in 1988 and includes the following items on display: a variety of artists' concepts, copies and moulds of artifacts, photographs, as well as topographic surveys and architects' designs - all providing historical information about the finds. The collections of the museum include artifacts discovered all over the area of Pella, from residences, the agora, and shrines. Sections of inlaid floors are also included.
  Some of the most important exhibits are:
•Marble head representing Alexander the Great
•Mosaic floors detached from private residences
•Hoard of silver coins (Hellenistic period) and mintage by Macedonian Kings.
•Bronze statuette of Poseidon
•Moulds for the production of relief clay vases

This text is cited May 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs URL below.

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