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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "AKRITOCHORI Village SERRES" .

Places of worship (1)


Monastery of Timios Prodromos at Akritochori

Tel: +30 23230 71310
  The Timios Prodormos Hermitage was built in 1981 on the architectural model of Xenophontos Abbey of Athos, at a distance of 24 km from Sidirokastro and 50 km from Serres, at the upper side of the village Acritochori, at the foothill of Mount Kerkini (Belles).
  The Hermitage is built on the international walking path 54/6 and has a panoramic view over Lake Kerkini. It falls under the Holy Metropolis of Sidirokastro and today (1997) there live 40 Nuns, dealing with hagiography, sacerdotal needlecraft, traditional weaving and gold embroidered pieces. The feast day of the Monastery is on 29 August.
  The visit to the Hermitage of Timios Prodromos can be combined with a visit to the internationally known wetland of Lake Kerkini and to the endless natural beauties of the surroundings of the village A. Porroia.
This text (extract) is cited September 2003 from the Prefecture of Serres tourist pamphlet.

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