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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Citizens' Associations  for wider area of: "TRIFYLLI Village GIANNITSA" .

Citizens' Associations (1)


Cultural Educational Association "Makedonia"

  The Cultural Educational Association of Gypsohori "Macedonia" was founded on 26th of March 2000. Although it is newly founded, it has made a lot of progress in the cultural activities of the village. In the association there are four dancing sections, where the young people of the village are taught traditional dancing from all over Greece and mostly from Macedonia.
  One of the activities of the association is the organising of festivals on 18th of January, the day of the celebration of the Church of Saint Athanasios. Furthermore every December 23rd there is a revival of the custom of the fire (Golde Babo). Moreover, in a special room there is an exhibition of old photos and objects of the village residents.

This text is cited June 2005 from the Municipality of Megas Alexandros URL below, which contains images

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