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Athletics & Sports (1)

Sports clubs

Motorcycle Sports Club of Kariotissa

Six km northern of Kariotissa are situated the sports facilities of the Motorcyclists Club. After a strenuous effort of the current president of the club, George Karabatakis, was founded the "Motorcycle Sports Club of Kariotissa". The facilities are well organized and an area of 20 km² which was given by the municipality of Alexander the Great, is offered for parking the guests' vehicles. One of its greatest advantages is the completely artificial speedway. Because the land is flat, there are no natural hills or projections and the soil is arable. So, the safety of the drivers, as well as their motorcycles is guaranteed. Nowadays, the club has to show the organizing and successful holding of the Northern Greece Championship finals of 2000 and 2001. The participation has arisen to 33 riders. It is emphasized that the speedway of the "MSCK" was elected the best speedway in Northern Greece in 2001. Today, the club is well known in whole Greece and enumerates 98 registered members.

This text is cited May 2005 from the Municipality of Megas Alexandros URL below, which contains image

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