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History (1)

Official pages

  The Old Kariotissa was situated at the shore of the lake of Giannitsa 5km southern from present place of the village. Kariotissa was the head of Kadinovo community since 28-6-1918. There were 50 families at the village with the population of 293 residents according to the census of 1920. The self-sufficiency was the main characteristic of their lives. They were dealing with agriculture and stockbreeding. There was plenty of hunting and timber in the bog, which were covering their needs. Very impressive were three hills of 20m height in the village, which were used by the Turkish people as observation posts and four "koules" (mansions) which only one of them is still standing.
  In July of 1924 they moved to the new location of the present village, refugees from Neohori of Zerkos province in Eastern Thrace, according to the treaty of Lausanne (1923) about the exchange of the populations between Greece and Turkey. Their life in Neohori and the adventure of the refugees is described beautifully in the book "1924-1999, 75 years of the community of New Kariotissa" which was published by the Cultural Association of the village. The situations the about 850 refugees faced in this boggy place were tragical. The release of the place from malaria achieved by the drying of the lake in 1935, raised the births and gave the opportunity to the people of the village to have new wealthy land. After the German occupation, the modernization of Kariotissa was continues and with 1798 residents in 1961, Kariotissa became the headquarters of the area, with a Police Station, a Post Office and a Medical Centre.

This text is cited May 2005 from the Municipality of Megas Alexandros URL below, which contains image

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