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Mali Forest

  The forest of Aegaleo-Mali Trifylia is situated on the east -mainly- slopes of the mountain range of Aegaleo, which starts in the east of Kyparissia and ends in the east of Chora, going from North to South. The name of the forest comes from the town of Mali on the plateau of Mali -which have the same name- and belongs to the forest Inspectorate of Kalamata. It is managed after a study which covers an area of 108.000 stremmata and it botanically-socially belongs to:
  the cold boundaries of the QUERSETALIA ILIKIS and the increasing area of QUERSION ILIKIS as well as botanical-social union of ADRACHNOQUERCETUM ILIKIS.
  the hot boundaries of the deciduous zove of the vegetation QUERCETALIA PUBESCENSTIS and specifically the increasing mediterranean area of OSTRIO-CARPINION of the botanical-social union of COCCIFERO-CARPINETUM. The main species of trees are the aria (Quercus ilex), the broad-leaved oak (Quercus conferta), the pournari (Q. Coccifera) and the downy oak. At lower altitudes there are arbutus bushes (Arbutus unedo), the ryki (Erica Verticilata) and the frazos (Fraxinus ornos).
  In the empty spaces and at close distances in the forest we see these species:
  asfaka, afana, wood afana, wild pears, kounoukla, fern, grain, oregano, wild lupine etc.
  The above species of vegetation correspond to the climatic conditions of the area and developed without intervention by the people. The petrification of the forest consists mainly of Messinian unpared, rounded cohesive conglomerates with Pindus calcareous and hornstone elements, as well as calcareous elements of the Tripolis zone with irregular intercalation of sludge marls.
  The climate in the forest is transitional with heavy rainfall, mild winters and average mediterranean summer. The winds are northwesterly and the snowfall is rare so that the forest dry and warm vegetation is favored.
  Because of the rock there are not any springs while small hydrolic network of the forest mainly consists of small hydrolic streams which are fed by rainwater only.
   Access to the forest is possible via the highway Kyparissia-Mali or southerly via Hora-Touloupa Hania-Metaxades.

This text is cited March 2003 from the Messenia Prefecture Tourism Promotion Commission URL below, which contains image.

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