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Giannitsa Community

  Giannitsa, a modern city with an eminent role in the local economy, which constituted a great economic and military center ever since the fist years of the Turkish occupation, because of its strategic position. Situated near a region where the lake of Giannitsa dominated until the 30s, it experienced the rage of the battle of Giannitsa during the Balkan Wars. "The Black Statue" in the city's War Memorial is dedicated to the memory of the dozens of people who died during the battle. After the 30s, the sole water source that was left in the area is the Loudias River, which stretches across and supplies with water the fertile plain country that has been revealed by the drainage of the lake of Giannitsa, whereas in the same time it constitutes a place for sports and recreation, since a modern Rowing Center has been operating there during the last years.
This text (extract) is cited October 2003 from the Pella Prefecture Tourism Committee tourist pamphlet.

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