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Religious figures biography (1)


Mamertus, Claudianus Ecdidius

Mamertus, Claudianus Ecdidius, was a presbyter in the diocese of Vienne, in France, of which his brother was bishop, and lived in the middle of the fifth century of our era. He died about the year 470, and his praises are celebrated at great length by Sidonius Apollinaris. (Epist. iv. 11.) His works are as follow :
1. De Statu Annimae, in three books, against the opinions of Faustus Reiensis. This work was first published by P. Mosellanus, Basil. 1520; afterwards by Grynaeus in his Orthodoxogr. p. 1247; in the Biblioth. Patrum Max. Lugdun. vol. vi. p. 1050, &c., and by Casp. Barthis, Cygneae, 1655.
2. Epistolae. Besides the letter to Sidonius Apollinaris, in which Mamertus dedicates to him his work De Statu Animae, there is also another letter to Sidonius, preserved among the epistles of the latter. (Epist. iii. 2.) Sidonius, in his reply (iii. 3), extols Mamertus and his work in the most extraordinary manner.
3. Carmen contra Poetas Vianos, a poem in hexameter verse, in which the author maintains the superiority of Christian doctrines over heathen poetry. The versification of this poem is smooth and flowing, and it bears evidence of its writer having carefully studied some of the best of the Roman poets. It is printed in Fabricius, Corp. Poet. Christ. p. 775, &c., and in the Biblioth. Patrum Max. Lugdun. vol. vi. p. 1074.
4. The hymn De Passione Domini, beginning with the words Pange lingua gloriosi praelium certaminis, in the Roman breviary, is ascribed by some writers to Mamertus, and by others to Venan tius Fortunatus.
5. The poems Carmen Paschale, Laus Christi, and Miracula Christi, which are printed among the works of the great poet Claudian, are by some writers likewise attributed to this Claudian Mamertus, but were perhaps written by neither of them. (Sidon. Apoll. iv. 2, 3, 11, v. 22; Gennad. De Viris Illstur. 83; Trithem. De Script. Eccles. 178; Fabric. Biblioth. Med. et Infim. Lat. s. v. (Claudidanus; Bahr, Geschichte d. Romisch. Liiteriatur, Supplement-Band. i. 33, ii. 169.)

This text is from: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890) (eds. William Smith, LLD, William Wayte, G. E. Marindin). Cited Oct 2006 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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