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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Local gods  for wider area of: "THIVA Town VIOTIA" .

Local gods (3)

Patron gods


POTNIES (Ancient city) THIVA
Across the Asopus, about ten stades distant from the city, are the ruins of Potniae, in which is a grove of Demeter and the Maid. The images at the river that flows past Potniae. . . they name the goddesses. At an appointed time they perform their accustomed ritual, one part of which is to let loose young pigs into what are called “the halls.” At the same time next year these pigs appear, they say, in Dodona.


THIVES (Ancient city) VIOTIA
Editor’s Information:
More about Heracles can be found at ancient Argos


Editor’s Information:
The plot of "Heracles", the tragedy written by Euripides, of which the e-text(s) is (are) found in Greece (ancient country) under the category Ancient Greek Writings , is taking place in Thebes.

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