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Listed 5 sub titles with search on: Mythology  for wider area of: "SIRACUSA Town SICILY" .

Mythology (5)

Gods & demigods

Artemis Angelos

Angelos. A surname of Artemis, under which she was worshipped at Syracuse, and according to some accounts the original name of Hecate. (Hesych. s. v.; Schol. ad Theocrit. ii. 12)

Historic figures


ELOROS (Ancient city) SICILY
King of Sicily. He built a bridge at the river, which took his name.



Arethusa (Arethousa), one of the Nereids (Hygin. Praef.; Virg. Georg. iv. 344), and the nymph of the famous well Arethusa in the island of Ortygia near Syracuse. Virgil (Eclog. iv. 1, x. 1) reckons her among the Sicilian nymphs, and as the divinity who inspired pastoral poetry. The Syracusans represented on many of their coins the head of Arethusa surrounded by dolphins. One of the Hesperides likewise bore the name of Arethusa. (Apollod. ii. 5.11)

Alpheias Arethusa

Alpheias, a name by which Ovid (Met. v. 487) designates the nymph of the Sicilian well Arethusa, because it was believed to have a subterraneous communication with the river Alpheius, in Peloponnesus.


Cyane (Kuane), a Sicilian nymph and playmate of Proserpina, who was changed through grief at the loss of Proserpina into a well. The Syracusans celebrated an annual festival on that spot, which Heracles was said to have instituted. and at which a bull was sunk into the well as a sacrifice (Diod. v. 4; Ov. Met. v. 412, &c.). A daughter of Liparus was likewise called Cyane. (Diod. v. 7)

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