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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "EMBORIO Small town SANTORINI" .

Places of worship (1)


Aghios Nicolaos Marmarites

Grave monument in the shape of a small, square temple (4.18 x 3.59 m.) built entirely of grey marble. It is preserved intact, up to the roof, which is made of marble slabs and is supported by three monolithic marble posts inside the building. The entrance is located on the south side. A small niche inside the tomb, flanked by small Ionic columns supporting a Doric architrave, sheltered the statue of the goddess. The structure is dated to the 3rd century B.C. According to the inscription carved below the niche, the temple was dedicated to the goddess Basileia and was used as a family tomb. The monument has now been converted into a Christian church, dedicated to St. Nicholas and has been called "Marmarites" (of the marble) after the building material of the tomb.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below, which also contains image.

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