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Biographies (2)


Bemarchius, sophist, 4th c. A.D.

KESSARIA (Ancient city) TURKEY
Bemarchius (Bemarchios), a Greek sophist and rhetorician of Caesareia in Cappadocia, who lived in or shortly after the time of the emperor Constantine, whose history he wrote in a work consisting of ten books. He also wrote declamations and various orations; but none of his works have come down to us. (Suidas, s. v. Bemarchios; Liban. Orat. p. 24, &c. ed. Reiske.)

Julianus of Caesareia

Julianus of Caesareia in Cappadocia, was a contemporary of Aedesius, and a disciple of Maximus of Ephesus. He was one of the sophists of the time, and taught rhetoric at Athens, where he enjoyed a great reputation, and attracted youths from all parts of the world, who were anxious to hear him and receive his instruction. It is not known whether Julianus wrote any works or not. (Eunap. Vit. Soph.)

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