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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "POTAMIA Deserted settlement CHIOS" .

Information about the place (2)

Local government WebPages


POTAMIA (Deserted settlement) CHIOS
  Nea Potamia is centrally located, newly established village with spacious streets. The inhabitants have been relocated here from the old village of Potamia built in between two sikes. Ancient village of Potamia, built in a sunless gorge, in order not to be easy spotted by the pirates is surrounded by oak trees, spring waters and wind mills. New wind mills produce now electrical energy at the nearby aeolic park. Local celebrations on January 17th (Saint Antonios) and July 1st (Aghioi Anargiroi).

Μ. Dimidis, An. Lagou, ed.
This text is cited Sep 2002 from the Municipality of Amani URL below, which contains image.

Non-profit organizations WebPages

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