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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "GRYNIA Ancient city TURKEY" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (2)

Ancient oracles

Oracle of Apollo at Gryneia

GRYNIA (Ancient city) TURKEY
Oracle at Gryneia or Grynium. The principal oracle among the Aeolic cities of Asia Minor. (Strabo, xiii. p. 622; Verg. Eclog. vi. 72; Aen. iv. 345; Pausan. i. 21, § 7; Athen. iv. p. 149 d; Hecat. Fragm. 211.) The town itself is mentioned in Herodotus (i. 149), and appears from Strabo to have been dependent on Myrina; and as Myrina sent tribute to Delphi (Plut. Pyth. Orac. 16), the Grynean oracle was no doubt an offshoot from Delphi.

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of Apollo

You may see linen breastplates dedicated in other sanctuaries, notably in that at Gryneum, where there is a most beautiful grove of Apollo, with cultivated trees, and all those which, although they bear no fruit, are pleasing to smell or look upon.

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