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GRYNIA (Ancient city) TURKEY
It is located on the Elean gulf (Candarli of today). The ancient city was destroyed by Parmenion, who enslaved its inhabitants.

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


   (Gruneion) or Grynea (Gruneia). One of the twelve cities of Aeolis, situated on the coast of Lydia, near the northern confines, and northwest of Cyme. It was celebrated for the worship of Apollo, who thence derived the surname of Gryneus. The temple of the god was remarkable for its size, and for the beauty of its white marble.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  City in Aiolis, 30 km S of Pergamon, a member of the Aiolian League. Its settlement by Greeks is not recorded, and legend spoke of an earlier town founded by the Amazon Gryne. The city was enrolled in the Delian Confederacy, with a tribute of 1000 to 2000 dr. In 335 B.C. Gryneion was captured from the Persians by Parmenio and its people enslaved. During the Hellenistic period the city fell to the status of a dependency of Myrina.
  Gryneion was noted chiefly for the temple and oracle of Apollo, described by Strabo (622) as a costly temple of white marble; Pausanias (1.21.7) spoke of a beautiful grove of Apollo. Pliny (HN 5.121), on the other hand, says there is nothing now but a harbor where Gryneion once existed. Surprisingly little is known of the oracle of Gryneian Apollo, and it has been doubted whether it functioned at all after the Classical period. However, a consultation by the men of Kaunos about 200 B.C. and the visit by Aelius Aristides in the 2d c. A.D. (Or. 51.7-8) show that its activity did in fact continue.
  Virtually nothing now remains on the site. The tiny promontory at Temasalik is largely occupied by a large rectangular mound which is supposed to have carried the temple, but no convincing remains of it have been found. The city must have stood on the mainland, but here again nothing is to be seen. A small excavation brought to light only several sarcophagi of about 500 B.C. and a late Roman mosaic pavement. The harbor mentioned by Pliny is in fact of poor quality.

G. E. Bean, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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