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Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


KORONI (Ancient city) PETALIDI
  Korone: Eth. Koronaeus, Koroneus, Koronuieus, Koronaios (Steph. B.: Petalidhi). A town of Messenia, situated upon the western side of the Messenian gulf, which was sometimes called after it, the Coronaean. (Plin. iv. 5. s. 7.) According to Pausanias, it was built on the site of the Homeric Aepeia, at the time of the restoration of the Messenians to their native country, by Epaminondas; and received the name of Coroneia because Epimelides, who founded the new town, was a native of Coroneia, in Boeotia. This name was changed by the Messenians into that of Corone. According to others, Corone corresponded to the Homeric Pedasus. (Strab. viii. p. 360.) In the acropolis of the city was a brazen statue of Athena, who became the patron deity of Corone in consequence of her worship at Coroneia. In the agora there was a statue of Zeus Zoter, as at Messene; and there were likewise in the lower city temples of Artemis, of Dionysus, and of Asclepius. The harbour of Corone was called the port of the Achaeans, probably because the city belonged to the Achaean league. (Paus. iv. 34.)
  Pausanias says that Corone was situated to the right of the Pamisus, close to the sea, and at the foot of a mountain called Temathia or Mathia (the reading is doubtful). The present name of the mountain is Lykodimo, at the foot of which stands Petalidhi, on the site of Corone, in a small but fertile plain. Within the last few years a colony of Mainotes has settled here, and restored to the place its ancient name. The modern town of Koroni, however, which is situated upon a promontory some distance south of Petalidhi, occupies the site of Asine. It is probable that the inhabitants of Corone migrated at some period to Asine, carrying with them their ancient name.
   There are considerable remains of Corone. Part of a mole may still be traced jutting out into the sea, and in the plain have been found foundations of houses and walls, and some works of ancient art. There are likewise traces of the walls of the acropolis upon the heights above the plain.
  Corone was supplied with water for drinking from the fountain Plataniston, which flowed from a hollow plane tree 20 stadia from the road, leading from the Pamisus. Eighty stadia south of Corone, near the coast, was the temple of Apollo Corynthus, the site of which is probably indicated by some ancient remains on the hill of St. Elias, near the sea, above the village of Kastelia. Corone, as already stated, belonged to the Achaean league. It was on his march to relieve this city that Philopoemen was made prisoner, and put to death at Messene on the following day. (Liv. xxxix. 49.) Plutarch, however, relates that Philopoemen was captured on his march towards Colonis (Plut. Philopoem. 18); but the statement of Livy is the more probable one. Corone is also mentioned by Ptolemy (iii. 16. § 8).

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


A town in Messenia on the west side of the Messenian Gulf, founded B.C. 371 by the Messenians, after their return to their native country, with the assistance of the Thebans.

Perseus Project

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  ca. 30 km W-SW of Kalamata. Koroni was a town under Mt. Mathia (now Lycodemon), on Koronaeus Bay in the NW part of the Messenian Gulf. It is generally accepted (except for one scholar who believes that the present Koroni occupies the site of the ancient one) that Petalidi village corresponds to the site of ancient Koroni. Petalidi Bay is the safest of all Peloponnesian ports and was called "port of the Achaeans". Parts of the ancient dock can still be seen in the sea. The older name of Koroni was Aipeia (Paus. 4.34.5) or Pedasos (Strab. 8.360). The name of the town refers to the Boiotian Koroneia whence came the founder Epimelides, who fortified the city ca. 365 B.C. The poros wall was 1.5 m thick and 2 km long. In the 2d c. B.C. Koroni was either autonomous (191) or associated with the Achaean League or Sparta. The earliest known coins of the city with the head of Athena and the inscription ACHAION KORONAION date from this period.
   On the acropolis hill and outside of the village have been found the foundations of the fortification wall and of various buildings, as well as sarcophagi, inscriptions, and sculptures. Classical remains have been found especially on the NE side of the acropolis, including five Doric capitals possibly belonging to a small temple of Early Classical date. Near the village were ruins of baths and an aqueduct, and 10 km to the NW are remains of Roman baths. On the acropolis in Pausanias' lifetime there was a bronze statue of Athena holding a bird. There was a bronze statue of Zeus the Savior in the agora, and temples of Artemis Paidotrophos (Children's nurse), of Dionysos and Asklepios, with marble statues of Dionysos and Asklepios.

G. S. Korres, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Sep 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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