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History (20)

The inhabitants founded the cities:

Naucratis in Egypt

Hellenion (holy place in Naucratis), founded jointly by the Ionian cities of Chios, Teos, Phocaea, and Clazomenae, the Dorian cities of Rhodes, Cnidus, Halicarnassus, and Phaselis, and one Aeolian city, Mytilene.

Rhodes or Rodanus in Spain

Greek trading establishment founded by the Rhodians in NE Spain, 18 km E of Figueras. According to an ancient tradition recorded by Scymnus and Strabo, it was probably founded when the Rhodian thalassocracy, the rival of the Phoenicians, achieved its maximum expansion in the W Mediterranean (Balearics, Catalan coasts of Iberia, Gulf of Leon) at the end of the 9th or the beginning of the 8th c. In any event the colony was founded before the First Olympiad, or before 776 B.C. Much Rhodian material, although dating a century later, has also been found in S France.

This extract is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Oct 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

Acragas in Sicily

Graeco-Roman city founded ca. 582 B.C. by Rhodio-Cretan colonists from Gela led by Aristonoos and Pystilos.

Rhodiapolis in Lycia (Turkey)

Among the hills some 6.5 km N-NW of Kumluca. According to Theopompos the city was named after Rhode, daughter of Mopsos; this however is no more than the usual eponymous fabrication, and the foundation from Rhodes which the name implies is generally accepted. Its existence in the 4th c. B.C.

This extract is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Oct 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

Gagae in Lycia (Turkey)

About 11 km SE of Kumluca. First mentioned by pseudo-Skylax in the 4th c. B.C. The foundation was attributed to Rhodes; according to the story certain Rhodian sailors arriving in Lycia called out "ga, ga", either as a request to the natives for land or on sighting land in a storm; they then founded a city and called it Gagai.

This extract is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Oct 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

Rudiae in Apulia

A Messapic city ca. 2 km SW of Lupiae (Lecce), in a low-lying area called La Cupa. Although it is frequently mentioned by ancient writers, who call it the birthplace of the poet Ennius, nothing precise is known of its origins. Strabo thought it was founded by the Rhodians, who, together with colonists from Crete, appear to have colonized the Salentine peninsula, according to a tradition handed down by Herodotos.

This extract is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Oct 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

Engyon in Sicily

A Sikel city mentioned by Diodoros, Plutarch, Cicero, and Pliny. From Diodoros we learn that it was 100 stades from Agyrion. It was colonized by Rhodio-Cretans, who brought with them the cult of the Great Mother.

Corydallus in Lycia (Turkey)

About 1 km W of Kumluca. The city is recorded by Hekataios and by several later writers. Pliny calls it a city of the Rhodians; and probably, like its neighbors Rhodiapolis, Gagai, and Phaselis, it was founded from Rhodes.

Siris & Sybaris in Lucania

Both Siris and the Sybaris which is on the Teuthras were founded by the Rhodians.

Phaselis in Lycia (Turkey)

On the E coast of Lycia, 50 km S-SW of Antalya. Founded according to tradition in 690 B.C. by the Rhodians

Elpiae in Italy

Since that time, also, they (the Rhodians) have sailed as far as Iberia; and there they founded Rhodes, of which the Massaliotes later took possession; among the Opici they founded Parthenope; and among the Daunians they, along with the Coans, founded Elpiae

Parthenope (later Neapolis) in Campania

Since that time, also, they (the Rhodians) have sailed as far as Iberia; and there they founded Rhodes, of which the Massaliotes later took possession; among the Opici they founded Parthenope; and among the Daunians they, along with the Coans, founded Elpiae.

Amos in Rhorian Peraea (Turkey)

A Rhodian deme in Caria 11 km S of Marmaris, probably attached to the city of Lindos.

Bybassos in Rhorian Peraea (Turkey)

Bybassos was among the more important of the Rhodian mainland demes, and the demotic is frequent in the inscriptions.

Kastabos in Rhodian Peraea (Turkey)

Amnistos in Rhodian Peraea (Turkey)

Amnistos was a Rhodian deme attached to the city of Kamiros.

Thyssanos in Rhodian Peraea (Turkey)

A deme of the incorporated Rhodian Peraea, mentioned by Pomponius Mela

Tymnos in Rhodian Peraea (Turkey)

City in Caria 27 km SW of Marmaris, a deme of the incorporated Rhodian Peraea, attached to the city of Kamiros.

Euthena in Rhodian Peraea (Turkey)

A conspicuous peak in Caria, 9 km N of Marmaris, where the remains are probably those of a Peraean deme of Rhodes attached to the city of Kamiros

Physcus in Rodian Pereae (Turkey)

Town in Caria, the most important deme of the Rhodian Peraea, attached to the city of Lindos.

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