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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 3 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Ομηρικός κόσμος  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΘΕΟΥΤΑ Περιοχή ΙΣΠΑΝΙΑ" .

Ομηρικός κόσμος (3)



Μυθική νήσος, όπου κατοικούσε η Καλυψώ (Οδ. α 85, ζ 172, η 244 κ.ε.).



Κόρη του Ατλαντος, που ζούσε στο νησί της Ωγυγίας, όπου είχε ναυαγήσει ο Οδυσσέας, τον οποίο η Καλυψώ ήθελε να κρατήσει για πάντα μαζί της (Οδ. 1.50 κ.ε.). Του είχε μάλιστα υποσχε8εί ότι θα τον έκανε αθάνατο, αν έμενε εκεί (Οδ. η 244 κ.ε.). Στο νησί ο Οδυσσέας έμεινε επτά χρόνια, στον όγδοο όμως χρόνο, ύστερα από εντολή του Διός, τον άφησε να φύγει, προκειμένου να επιστρέψει στην πατρίδα του την Ιθάκη (Οδ. ε 28 κ.ε.).

Calypso. A daughter of Atlas, according to Homer. Hesiod, however, makes her an ocean-nymph, and Apollodorus a Nereid. Like Circe, she was a goddess of human appearance, and dwelt in solitary state with her attendant nymphs on an island named Ogygia, in the midst of the ocean. Her isle presented such a scene of sylvan beauty as charmed even Hermes, one of the dwellers of Olympus. Calypso received and kindly entertained Odysseus, when, in the course of his wanderings, that hero was thrown upon her domains after his shipwreck. She detained him there for seven years, designing to make him immortal and to keep him with her forever; but Hermes arriving with a command from Zeus, she was obliged to consent to his departure. She gave the hero tools to build a raft or light vessel, supplied him with provisions, and reluctantly took a final leave of him. As regards her island, Homer seems to have conceived Ogygia to lie in the northwestern parts of the Western Sea, far remote from all other isles and coasts; and he thus brought his hero into all parts of that sea, and informed his auditors of all its wonders. Odysseus had two sons by Calypso, named Nausithous and Nausinous.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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