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Εμφανίζονται 2 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαιολογικοί χώροι  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΣΟΡΩΝΗ Χωριό ΡΟΔΟΣ" .

Αρχαιολογικοί χώροι (2)

Perseus Site Catalog


ΚΑΜΕΙΡΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΡΟΔΟΣ
Region: Dodecanese
Periods: Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic
Type: Unfortified city
Summary: One of the three Dorian cities founded on the island of Rhodes.

Physical Description:
    Kameiros is an unfortified city with well planned streets, civic buildings and public water supply dating to the Hellenistic period. Few of the remains of the earlier Archaic city have been uncovered. The city sits on theater-like slopes facing the sea on the NW coast of Rhodes. In the lower town an agora is partially surrounded by colonnades. From the agora the main street of the city runs uphill and S, through insula of private houses, to the ridge top which serves as the acropolis. Along the ridge top a long stoa faces the sea and behind this is the temple of Athena, originally Archaic, but rebuilt in the Hellenistic period.
Kameiros (together with Lindos and Ialysos) was one of the 3 city-states founded on Rhodes by Dorian Greeks, possibly as early as the Mycenaean period. In ca. 407 B.C. the 3 cities, while maintaining local autonomy, joined in the foundation of Rhodes City as the new capital of the island and sent citizens to populate it.
    In 1858-1865 A. Salzmann and A. Biliotti excavated at the acropolis and the cemeteries and Biliotti continued in 1880. During 1912-1913 and 1928-1930 the Italians excavated at the site.

Donald R. Keller, ed.
This text is cited Feb 2003 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains 1 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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