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Listed 5 sub titles with search on: Sights  for wider area of: "AGIOS ACHILIOS Small island PRESPES" .

Sights (5)

Castles, fortresses & fortifications

"Vassilion" castle

It was built in 1018 by the Byzantine emperor Vassilios II.

Religious monuments

St. Apostles church

Ruins of this church are found in the south-west bank of the lake. It dates back to the 11th-12th century A.D.

St. Demetrios church

This church is found to the SW of the St. Achilles Basilica and dates back to the 14th century A.D.

St. George church

One-aisled, wooden-roofed church, which is still used as a cemetery church. There are murals dating back to the 15th century A.D.

Monastery of Panagia (Virgin Mary) Porfyra

This monastery is located in the southern part of the islet and dates back to the mid 16th century.

You are able to search for more information in greater and/or surrounding areas by choosing one of the titles below and clicking on "more".

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