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Religious figures biography (13)


Basilius, bishop of Ancyra

ANGYRA (Ancient city) TURKEY
Basilius, (Basileios and Basilios), commonly called Basil. Bishop of Ancyra (A. D. 336-360), originally a physician, was one of the chief leaders of the Semi-Arian party, and the founder of a sect of Arians which was named after him. He was held in high esteem by the emperor Constantius, and is praised for his piety and learning by Socrates and Sozomen. He was engaged in perpetual controversies both with the orthodox and with the ultra Arians. His chief opponent was Acacius, through whose influence Basil was deposed by the synod of Constantinople (A. D. 360), and banished to Illyricum. He wrote against his predecessor Marcellus, and a work on Virginity. His works are lost. (Hieron. de Vir. Illust. 89 ; Epiphan. Haeres. lxxiii. 1; Socrates, H. E. ii. 30, 42; Sozomen, H. E. ii. 43.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Sep 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks




St. Basil of Ancyra

d. 362, feastday: March 22

St. Eutychius & Domitian

d. unknown, feastday: December 28

St. Gemellus

d. 362, feastday: December 10

St. Melasippus of Ancyra

d. 360, feastday: November 7 (Catholic). Martyr with Carina, his wife, and Anthony, their son. They suffered at Ancyra. Melasippus and Carina died under torture. Anthony was beheaded.

St. Nilus the Elder

d.c. 430, feastday: November 12

St. Plato

d.c. 306, feastday: July 22 (Catholic). Martyr and brother of St. Antiochus. A much revered saint in the Eastern Church, he was put to death at Ancyra during the persecution of the early fourth century.

St. Theodotus, the innkeeper

d. 304, feastday: May 18


Macarius, metropolitan of Ancyra

ANGYRA (Ancient city) TURKEY
Macarius of Ancyra, of which city he was metropolitan. Macarius lived in the earlier part of the fifteenth century, and was author of a work against the Latin church and its advocates, entitled Kata tes ton Latinon kakodoxias kai kata Barlaam kai Akindunon, Adxersus Maligna Latinorium Dogmata et contra Barlaam et Acindynum. The work is extant only in MS., but has been cited in several places by Allatius in his De Eccles. Occident. et Orient. perpet. Consensione. Allatits characterizes the work as trifling and full of absurdities; but Cave considers that the citations given by Allatius himself by no means justify his censure. (Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 1430; Fabricius, Bibl. Graec. vol. viii. p. 367.)

This text is from: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890) (eds. William Smith, LLD, William Wayte, G. E. Marindin). Cited Oct 2006 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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