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Εμφανίζονται 29 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Ομηρικός κόσμος  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΤΡΩΑΣ Αρχαία χώρα ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ" .

Ομηρικός κόσμος (29)



ΤΡΩΑΣ (Αρχαία χώρα) ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
  Lectum (to Lekton), a promontory in the south-west of Troas, opposite the island of Lesbos. It forms the south-western termination of Mount Ida. (Hom. Il. xiv. 294; Herod. ix. 114; Thucyd. viii. 101; Ptol. v. 2. § 4; Plin. v. 32; Liv. xxxvii. 37.) In the time of Strabo (xiii. p. 605, comp. p. 583) there was shown on Cape Lectum an altar, said to have been erected by Agamemnon to the twelve great gods; but this very number is a proof of the late origin of the altar. Under the Byzantine emperors, Lectum was the northernmost point of the province of Asia. (Hierocl. p. 659.) Athenaeus (iii. p. 88) states that the purple shell-fish, found near Lectum as well as near Sigeum, was of a large size. The modern name of Lectum is Baba, or Santa Maria.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Αρχαίες πόλεις


Lyrnessus (Lurnessos). A town in the Troad, the birthplace of Briseis, and often mentioned by Homer ( Il.ii. 690).

Πήδανον / Πήδαιον

ΠΗΔΑΙΟΝ (Ομηρική πόλη) ΤΡΩΑΣ
Βρισκόταν στην Τρωάδα και αναφέρεται από τον Ομηρο ως τόπος κατοικίας του Ιμβριου, γιου του Μέντορος (Ιλ. Ν 172).

Αρχηγοί των Τρώων στον πόλεμο


ΖΕΛΕΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΤΡΩΑΣ
Ηταν γιος του Λυκάονος, περίφημος τοξότης, που τραυμάτισε το Μενέλαο (Ιλ. Β 827, Δ 88). Φονεύθηκε από το Διομήδη (Ιλ. Ε 290).

(Pandaros). A Lycian hero, son of Lycaon. He led the troops of Zelea (on Mount Ida) in the Trojan War, and was distinguished as an archer, having received his bow from Apollo. He was slain by Diomedes ( Il.ii. 824 Il., v. 290).



ΠΗΔΑΙΟΝ (Ομηρική πόλη) ΤΡΩΑΣ
Πατέρας του Ιμβρίου (Ιλ. Ν 171).

Perseus Project


ΤΡΩΑΣ (Αρχαία χώρα) ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
Πατέρας του Λαογόνου και ιερέας του Ιδαίου Διός (Ιλ. Π 604).

Ηρωες του Τρωικού πολέμου - Τρώες & σύμμαχοι

Ιμβριος & Μηδεσικάστη

ΠΗΔΑΙΟΝ (Ομηρική πόλη) ΤΡΩΑΣ
Γιος του Μέντορος και σύζυγος της Μηδεσικάστης, κόρης του Πριάμου. Φονεύθηκε από τον Τεύκρο (Ιλ. Ν 171, 173 & 196).



Briseis, a patronymic from Briseus, and the name of Hippodameia, the daughter of Briseus of Lyrnessus, who fell into the hands of Achilles, and about whom the quarrel arose between Achilles and Agamemnon. (Hom. Il. i. 184)

Θεοί & ημίθεοι


ΤΡΩΑΣ (Αρχαία χώρα) ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
Ποτάμιος θεός (Ιλ. Υ 52).

Perseus Project

Ομηρικά τοπωνύμια


Ποταμός της Τρωάδας μεταξύ Αβύδου και Λαμψάκου (Ιλ. Β 835).


Ποτάμι της Τρωάδας (Ιλ. Μ 20).


Ποτάμι της Τρωάδος (Ιλ. Μ 20).

Probably the Brook of the Dardanelles. A small river of the Troad, mentioned both by Homer and Hesiod. It rose on the lower slopes of Mount Ida, and flowed northwest into the Hellespont, between Abydus and Dardanus, after receiving the Selleis from the west.


Ποτάμι της Τρωάδος (Ιλ. Β 839, Μ 97).

(3) A river in Troas, near Arisbe, and a tributary of the Rhodius.


Ποταμός της Τρωάδος, που πήγαζε από το όρος Ιδη (Ιλ. Δ 475, Ε 774, Μ 22).

A river near Troy. As a mythological personage, the river-god Simois is the son of Oceanus and Tethys, and the father of Astyochus and Hieromneme.


Λόφος κοντά στην Τροία και τον Σιμόεντα ποταμό (Ιλ. Υ 52 & 151).

A hill in the district of Troas, deriving its name (kale kolone) from the pleasing regularity of its form, and the groves by which it seems for ages to have been adorned. It is mentioned by Homer in the Iliad.


Ποταμός της Τροίας, που κατά τον Ομηρο ονομαζόταν Ξάνθος από τους θεούς (Ιλ. Υ 74, Ξ 434). Πηγάζει από δύο πηγές κοντά στην Τροία, η μία με θερμά ύδατα κι η άλλη με ψυχρά (Ιλ. Χ 147), συμβάλλεται με τον Σιμόεντα ποταμό (Ιλ. Ε 774) και εκβάλλει στον Ελλήσποντο (Ιλ. Φ 125).


  Scamander (Skamandros: Mendere Su, or the river of Bunarbaschi), a famous little stream in the plain of Troy, which according to Homer (II. xx. 74) was called Xanthus by the gods and Scamander by men; though it probably owed the name Xanthus to the yellow or brownish colour of its water (comp. Il. vi. 4, xxi. 8). Notwithstanding this distinct declaration of the poet that the two names belonged to the same river, Pliny (v. 33) mentions the Xanthus and Scamander as two distinct rivers, and describes the former as flowing into the Portus Achaeorum, after having joined the Simoeis. In regard to the colour of the water, it was believed to have even the power of dyeing the wool of sheep which drank of it. (Aristot. Hist. Anim. iii. 12; Aelian, Hist. Anim. viii. 21; Plin. ii. 106; Vitruv. viii. 3,14.) Homer (Il. xxii. 147, &c.) states that the river had two sources close to the city of Ilion, one sending forth hot water and the other cold, and that near these springs the Trojan women used to wash their clothes. Strabo (xiii. p. 602) remarks that in his time no hot spring existed in those districts; he further asserts that the river had only one source; that this was far away from Troy in Mount Ida; and lastly that the notion of its rising near Troy arose from the circumstance of its flowing for some time under ground and reappearing in the neighbourhood of Ilion. Homer describes the Scamander as a large and deep river (Il. xx. 73, xxi. 15, xxii. 148), and states that the Sirmoeis flowed into the Scamander, which after the junction still retained the name of Scamander (Il. v. 774, xxi. 124; comp. Plin. ii. 106; Herod. v. 65; Strab. xiii. p. 595). Although Homer describes the river as large and deep, Herodotus (vii.42) states that its waters were not sufficient to afford drink to the army of Xerxes. The Scamander after being joined by the Simoeis has still a course of about 20 stadia eastward, before it reaches the sea, on the east of Cape Sigeum, the modern Kum Kale. Ptolemy (v. 2. § 3), and apparently Pomp. Mela (i. 18), assign to each river its own mouth, the Siinoeis discharging itself into the sea at a point north of the mouth of the Scamander. To account for these discrepancies, it must be assumed that even at that time the physical changes in the aspect of the country arising from the muddy deposits of the Scamander had produced these effects, or else that Ptolemy mistook a canal for the Scamander. Even in the time of Strabo the Scamander reached the sea only at those seasons when it was swollen byrains, and at other times it was lost in marshes and sand. It was from this circumstance, that, even before its junction with the Simoeis, a canal was dug, which flowed in a western direction into the sea, south of Sigeum, so that the two rivers joined each other only at times when their waters were high. Pliny, who calls the Scamander a navigable river, is in all probability thinking of the same canal, which is still navigable for small barges. The point at which the two rivers reach the sea is now greatly changed, for owing to the deposits at the mouth, the coast has made great advances into the sea, and the Portus Achaeorum, probably a considerable bay, has altogether disappeared. (Comp. Leake, Asia Minor, p. 289, foll., and the various works and treatises on the site and plain of ancient Troy.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

(2) The celebrated river of the Troad. As a mythological personage, the river-god was called Xanthus by the gods. His contest with Achilles is described by Homer.


  Xanthus (Xanthos), an important river in the W. of Lycia, which is mentioned even in Homer (Il. ii. 877, v. 479), and which, according to Strabo (xiv. p. 665), was anciently called Sirbes, that is in Phoenician and Arabic reddish yellow, so that the Greek name Xanthus is only a translation of the Semitic Sirbes or Zirba. The Xanthus has its sources in Mount Taurus, on the frontiers between Lycia and Pisidia, and flows as a navigable river in a SW. direction through an extensive plain (Xanthou pedion, Herod. i. 176), having Mount Bragus on the W. and Massicytes on the E., towards the sea, into which it discharges itself about 70 stadia S. of the city of Xanthus, and a little to the NW. of Pinara. (Herod. l. c.; Ptol. v. 3. § 2; Dion. Per. 848; Ov. Met. ix. 645; Mela, i. 15; Plin. v. 28.) Now the Etshen or Essenide. (Fellows, Lycia, pp. 123, 278.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Συμμαχικές δυνάμεις των Τρώων

Τρωικός πόλεμος

ΖΕΛΕΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΤΡΩΑΣ
Η Ζέλεια ήταν πόλη της Τρωάδος, που συμμετείχε στον Τρωικό πόλεμο στο πλευρό των Τρώων (Ιλ. Β 824, Δ 103).



ΤΡΩΑΣ (Αρχαία χώρα) ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
Η Τρωάδα, με πρωτεύουσα την Τροία, αλλιώς Ιλιον, ήταν χώρα της Μικράς Ασίας (Ιλ. Β 162, Γ 74, Οδ.α 62).

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